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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

That's a big number
@criselington The goal number I had is big or my current one? Because my other accounts is like 100+ somethin’ friends X-X
@criselington I have a lot of room for people in my heart and friend list I guess XD
That's fine, to me that's a lot of people os all haha
(12:47 AM Fri. Dec 23rd) Baking Day is today! We were planning to do it on Thursday but our eldest sister had to work, so it is moved to Friday (today!) and I am so excited. We get to bake monster cookies (giant oatmeal, peanut butter and m&m cookies), Coal (rice Krispies mixed into melted marshmallows and dyed black), Sugar cookies, Christmas crack (peanuts mixed into melted chocolate), caramel popcorn sometimes, Christmas Bark (melted chocolate with any choice of sweets added into it). I can’t wait to eat it all! Especially the Coal and my sister is bringing some to a coworker of hers at work, she’s apparently a nice woman and has kids so our sister said she’ll bring some since we always have an abundance of sweets during this time XD https://media.tenor.com/1a9CpvHfiHMAAAAC/cake-baking.gif https://media.tenor.com/jpPldItcZ3kAAAAC/anime-gif-anime.gif https://media.tenor.com/b6NAnF-inSYAAAAC/bake-off-bake.gif
(6:04 AM Fri. Dec 23rd) Decided to look at random voice actors (since I looked up J. Michael Tatum) to see if I would know or recognize any of the others. I saw a lot from MHA and three from Hetalia, but I did recognize a lot of them voiced characters I’ve heard in passing or I know the show of (by that I mean I know the show exists XD). Sadly, looking at the different anime did NOT motivate me enough to watch a new anime and I will not start watching MHA ever I think? Lol But it does make me wanna re-watch Hetalia lol
J. Michael Tatum is most known for voicing Sebastian from Black Butler. He does a lot of pompous, educated, and glasses characters. Kinda type-cast but I love him. I wasn't able to meet him but my friend got an autograph for me one year she went to a convention. And he's not supposed to do this but she also got a recording from him saying my name and that's he's "just simply one hell of a butler.." http://pm1.narvii.com/8280/b295e41227842ac6e67a1dad33fe053efbb09954r1-450-450v2_uhq.jpg My no.1 fav is Josh Grelle. He voiced Armin from Attack on Titan. I also loved his work for Princess Jellyfish. For some reason it stands out. https://static.tixr.com/static/images/external/img/f644684a-1206-4328-a224-ab9c19c1125e.png I love English voice actors so I'll fan girl it up with you any time. Lol
I rarely watch dubs, but I do like Sam Riegel mostly for the wacky personality
@criselington I looked up his characters but I don't think I got a full list. The only one I recognized immediately was Shirou Emiya from Fate/Stay.
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