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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Nov 27, 22 at 4:29pm
@wei_ying nah man all the cool people left. Well except amarantha but she refuses to talk for some reason lmfao
Not cool enough for you, huh, Broly? I see how it is.
(10:59 PM Mon. Nov 28th) I gained my appetite back but had trouble trying to eat yesterday... my body still didn’t wanna consume anything despite my hunger and I was really annoyed at first, but I decided that if at first you don’t succeed try again. So, I decided to try and eat today and ate my first food in four days! I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and boy did I feel like I could fall over while trying to make it XD, but I prevailed and slowly made my way to eating the sandwich. Then for dinner I had rice, beans and jalapeños and while I didn’t eat it all I did eat most of it and I am very happy! I feel like I won’t collapse when I stand up anymore ^-^, thank you for those who cheered mama on <3 https://media.tenor.com/VRtIQ2z88F8AAAAC/anime-smile.gif
(1:38 PM Fri. Dec 2nd) I think it’s funny how my parents always apologize to me and my siblings for not giving us the stuff we wanted growing up... and no one really is bothered by it, except maybe my eldest brother but it’s not like he walks around like “oh! How I never had what I wanted!” Lol But, sometimes the thing I start to feel bad about most is how we didn’t have much friends growing up. And not just to have friends either, but my twin brought up how our mom wanted to be the type of mom that had snacks for our friends and drinks set out for them when they came... and some reason I feel bad I didn’t have much friends for that reason. I am in no way ashamed of growing up homeless for a time or being in poverty for most of my life, but, sometimes I wish I could’ve gave back to my parents in small ways like that. My parents feel bad for feeling like they never gave us enough, but they gave us so much in reality! They never gave up on each other or the family and did their best to get us what we needed and wanted, life just didn’t work out the way anyone hoped... but, that’s the story of my life ^-^, life doesn’t go as expected and things get ruined but you just gotta keep moving on and something better comes along.
Can relate. My mother still gives Christmas and birthday presents. I think it is because she has the money now and we didn't really get many things when we were kids.
@verucassault I don’t think I mind getting presents. My main problem now is... I am at a point where I don’t know what I want XD. I try and ask my parents for stuffed toys, blankets, snacks and stuff like that for gifts and they always just look at me disappointed. My parents legit complained about me and my siblings for being grateful lol, but we can indulge them. It’s cute XD
(4:18 PM Fri. Dec 2nd) My twin had to go get a temporary crown put onto her tooth and she just told me that when she came home, our baby brother apparently asked if the dentists seduced her XD. She of course answered no, because why would they seduce her? And our baby brother starts talking about how they “seduced” him before, she told him the word he is looking for is “sedated” and he immediately did the cute squint, smile thing he does when he gets a word wrong. He is too cute and funny! XD
(7:07 PM Fri. Dec 2nd) Wow! No one on my street knows about having Christmas spirit. Sleigh bells are supposed to be ringing during this time, yet all I hear is gunshots ringing throughout the street. That’s not the type of ringing we want and sometimes they are so close too... if I could go out their and teach them a thing or two about safety without getting shot myself, I would! I don’t want them to be hurt ever but especially during this time of year and I’m sure they have families too. The immaturity of some people XD
(2:01 PM Sun. Dec 4th) What does everyone want for Christmas? Sadly though... I actually don’t have the money to buy gifts for anyone here, but if I did I surely would. And I know you shouldn’t spend money for anyone you met or talked to online (especially while still being online), but I love everyone here and it’s not like I’d go as far as to buy someone a car... I would buy electronic gifts if someone needed or wanted it though XD. I know what I’d be doing anyway and you all deserve such nice things, so I’d love to buy gifts for you darlings and I’m gonna stop talking about it now because I’m disappointed that I can’t lol. It’s a nice thought though UwU https://media.tenor.com/_jjaXF47QucAAAAC/anime-cute.gif
Your friendship is our greatest gift, Wei Ying.
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