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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Celebrating Thanksgiving a day before? Understandable. Grocery stores be crowded from last minute shoppers.
@gabriel_true we don’t celebrate it early XD. We only watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on Wednesday because we have other Thanksgiving movies to watch on the actually holiday and even though the Charlie Brown dinner is delicious, we wouldn’t want that for dinner on actual Thanksgiving XD.
Happy Thanksgiving my darlings! I hope everyone can find a way to enjoy the day (if you celebrate that is) and find happiness no matter how big or small. During this time it is a great way to say what you are thankful for, especially if you don’t get to express it much. So, for me I am thankful for God being so good throughout my life! Even through the stormy weather and the hurt/pain He was so good by being merciful and allowing me to wake up and fight through it everyday (He knows how much I can handle ^-^). And I am so thankful for my family and of course everyone on this site... I admit I have thought of leaving before because of how many people I had flirting with me or hitting on me (I felt stressed)... but, when you babies would thank me for... well, basically just existing it seems XD and knowing my little gestures made everyone happy I knew I could stick it out for everyone. I am tearing up for some reason, but I love every single one of you and I hope if you are willing, tell me what you are thankful for! No matter how big or small you think it is. I love you all! <3 https://media.tenor.com/g-1vgYk6C6EAAAAC/happy-thankgiving-thanksgiving.gif
You're welcome, hoho! And don't feel bad for thinking of leaving. We've all been there and you're not alone with getting uncomfortable attention from strangers. Not even yours truly can escape the male gaze, heh!
(5:37 AM Sun. Nov 27th) I feel like I’ve been gone forever. I am also confused and keep forgetting which day it is lol... but, I slept for two days straight ‘cause of my sickness. I am still feeling unwell and I haven’t eaten in 2-3 days either, I wanna eat but my body just doesn’t wanna consume anything even though my stomach is over here gurgling from hunger... it is frustrating and I start to feel like the more I cough up mucus stuff the more I feel like throwing up. I thought I saw someone else say they were feeling unwell, I hope you get better soon and take it as easy as you can <3
Twas I who caught your illness over the interweb.
@gabriel_true I’m sorry to hear Gab. Hope you feel better soon https://media.tenor.com/cTolg0IBauYAAAAC/kotarou-gakuen-babysitters.gif
(3:14 PM Sun. Nov 27th) Maybe I haven’t been scrolling enough... but, is it just me or does MO seem a bit quiet and not too active? Maybe it’s because it is a Sunday? But, what happened? An online war didn’t break out while I was asleep for two days, did it? XD Either way, I am going to try and eat something now! Cheer momma on! And I hope you lovelies have been doing well? ^-^ https://media.tenor.com/j8tAd7BluJ0AAAAC/lovelive-anime.gif
Nov 27, 22 at 2:32pm
@wei_ying can't remember the last time it was active. Everyone besides me and wei here be boring asf.
@sparkis Really? I guess you are right :3, I wouldn’t say it was super active before... but I guess I noticed the little things people would do so it seemed like activity to me XD. And you are too kind to me spark plug <3 and you are super fun
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