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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(12:25 AM Mon. Dec 5th) I just feel so happy lately and I know someone might be baffled as to why or how, because of all the pain and sadness in the world. But, to me there is also so many things to be happy about/for... even in the little things like waking up another day, being around my family joking and laughing and watching Christmas movies together, being able to come here and see how everyone is doing. And I know not everyone is always doing well, but that sadly is just the way life goes, life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to... there are days you may feel you don’t even wanna get up and try anymore. But, I am glad when you guys find the strength to push on another day and take it from me, getting past the obstacles and pain and hurt is worth it in the end! You get to experience the good in life that comes after the bad, so! This year I wish for everyone to be able to spend this Christmas time in any way that makes them content and happy and @verucassault don’t give into the pressure from other people to attend Christmas events. I hope you enjoy this time in whatever way you want, just relax and take time for yourself because I am sure you deserve it. You babies all do, I love you <3
(5:28 PM Mon. Dec 5th) I really love you all. I know I’ve been saying it a lot lately, but it’s shocking how much I love everyone... well it’s not shocking to me but you know what I mean XD. I just really wanna give everyone a nice hug! Speaking of... if I ever had the money to meet some of you, would you like to meet me? Where would you wanna go and what would you wanna do? If I have the money someday we can go to the beach, Bahamas, Italy, France, anywhere anyone would wanna go ^-^.
(11:28 AM Tue. Dec 6th) My next name will be Teaching Mommy, since I remind someone of a teacher they had XD. I don’t remind anyone else of a teacher they had, but because of one person I shall call myself that someday XD.
(2:57 AM Wed. Dec 7th) I have to be really honest here for a second... I admit I have sometimes wondered how I am friends with most of the people in my friends list. And it’s not out of any mean intent or questioning, but more of how I remember when I first came onto MO I wanted to friend some of the people in my friends list but was too nervous/shy... like my baby chimken, she started off as a friend on my 1st account (and now she’s my baby/one of my many kids here UwU). But I remember wanting to friend her and I was like “there’s no way she’d wanna be my friend” and next thing I knew she sent me a request. I remember talking to Viking babe (Criselington) a lot when I first visited here too and I thought “wow! I’d like to be his friend... but there’s no way I could be friends with someone as cool as him” and next thing I knew he sent me a friend request! Then with my husbando (GDMH39)... well, we actually clicked and easily talked to each other and I wanted to send him a friend request but was too shy because I legit thought a man like him would NOT wanna be friends with me. I also heard he had a harem in the past and... well how I felt doesn’t matter lol, but next thing I knew he sent me a friend request and said he’ll be my husbando XD. This is very long but I still have people on MO I wanna friend request, but I get shy and I tend to think that we wouldn’t even talk in dm’s anyway and how they might not even do dm’s much and that maybe we’re fine with interacting in MO’s feed. I think I want some people as a friend personally just so I can send them private text messages of encouragement and ask them how they are doing, it all sounds so silly doesn’t it? But, I still won’t send those people friend requests because they are just too awesome! (And I'm too nervous I guess also :3) <3
(12:40 PM Wed. Dec 7th) Hmm? I didn’t know whether I should put this here... and I suppose this is like a kind of pt.2 to the post above. But, umm since she’s my friend now Ruca-senpai (Verucassault) was one of the people I felt like friend requesting XD and I was always too nervous to send one to her. Especially after interacting with her on MO feed and her wall... although, tbh I kind of feel like I kind of bombarded her wall with stuff and then she was nice enough to respond to them XD. She just seemed so chill and cool, I wasn’t sure if I seemed to peppy for her or what? I think I may overthink these things too much, huh? But, also I forgot to mention yesterday how I also question how people are friends with me because I think I am boring... it’s like when I asked my childhood friends why they hung out with me and they were like “you and your sister are nice. It’s just nice to hang around you guys.” And it’s just like, I truly appreciate everyone on my friends list, even if I don’t get to talk to some much. It’s just amazing how much I love them UwU and I suppose this is also a long way to get to the “thank you Ruca-senpai for your friend request!” XD
Same thing with dakyadar happened. I thought I had added him like a year before I did. I'm always hesitant to add "new" people so you are right on track for me. And also, you didn't bombard and you're not boring. My booboo happened in Oct so I was really bummed out about Halloween since it's my favorite holiday. So you kept my Ween spirit up.
@verucassault Well, its a comfort for me to know I wasn’t bombarding you with anything then ^-^. I’m sorry it happened around that time, but I’m glad I could cheer you up a bit during that time too
(10:29 PM Thu. Dec 8th) My stomach feels so full from the three slices of garlic pizza I ate XD, it was delicious though and I’m glad my eldest brother didn’t want his pizza. I have been wanting (craving) pizza lately so him giving away his pizza was perfect! I had a Christmas movie marathon with my family though and it was fun! Snuggled with my eldest sister and my twin on her beanbag and satisfied my sudden urges to nibble people... I kept on nomming my eldest sister and nibbling her cheek XD. She is so kind as to indulge me and just smiles, but we had a great time watching like 10 hours of Christmas films UwU, oh! And we also had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, regular and a hot chocolate flavor.
(2:08 PM Fri. Dec 9th) I always at random moments have this memory of my baby brother being terrified that someone was trying to break into our house... I remember it was late at night and our parents were asleep and I heard what sounded like a noise coming from the front of our house. So I remember acting spooked and saying “I think someone is trying to come in?” And my eldest brother who was sitting on the couch (I was standing in the kitchen) jokingly told me to quickly run downstairs, of course my baby brother was smaller when this happened so he wrapped his skinny little arms around my waist in a death grip, and looked up at me with his big brown eyes that were watering. Like he was expecting me to protect him and I remember that moment so well because my heart felt like it was being ripped apart, I never wanted him to hold onto me out of fear ever again (and he wouldn’t let go) and I started to hug him and try and unwrap his arms so I could look at him and explain it was a joke and we didn’t mean it. But, he just started crying louder and I couldn’t even imagine what his little brain thought of me doing that... he probably thought I didn’t wanna comfort him and he wouldn’t let me go look out the window in fear of me getting hurt. So I had my eldest brother do it and we slowly got him to calm down, but yeah... I never wanted to see him like that again, because God forbid someone actually tried to hurt him. I would have managed to get him off of me and beat whatever intruder dared to come in UwU
(4:00 PM Sat. Dec 10th) PT.1: I had one of the weirdest dreams ever... and it kept switching to different dreams so I woke up confused XD. In the first one two characters of a show I watch (Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian) were going out shopping late at night because the Wei Wuxian character was snackish, so you know they thought what’s the harm in going to get snacks. But in my dream it was Halloween and Wuxian’s canon birthday is on Halloween and he used that against the other character so he could get whatever he wants, they arrive at the convenience store and the birthday boy gets a variety of spicy snacks. The cashier thinks they are dating and comments on how beautiful they are (which isn’t a lie), which makes birthday boy blush red and Wangji’s ears to flush red and Wuxian is rushing to tell her they aren’t dating. But, anyways! They get their snacks and leave and pass by a creepy looking house so Wangji tells Wuxian they should go in their to check it out in the spirit of Halloween for creepiness stuff and the whole time Wuxian is jumping on said man in fear at every noise and trying to play it off like he’s not scared. They end up walking to the living room and find a tv and a couch sitting there with a horror movies case next to the tv, so Wangji puts one in and settles on the couch with their snacks (Wuxian of course is freaking out but wants to seem brave and sits down). While watching the move Wuxian is jumping at every detail and looking around the house, a loud noise comes from the tv and Wuxian jumps into Wangji’s lap (Wangji is pleased). It turns out he planned the whole scenario so Wuxian would cling on to him and by the end of the dream they got together XD.
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