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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

@solid_snake95 that cant be baka, he doesnt wish people misfortune like that he just spouts cryptic bs like exposing people and he honestly would have just said ur a back stabber or something. To go as far as hoping she would cheat i think its someone who had a crush on her being salty she is dating you. The bakaboogeyman hasnt shown himself yet i believe.
Whoever it is needs to jump off a moving train xD
I need a tldr on that spiderman thing… that was even for me too long… that post lost me after they said amazing spider man 2. no spoilers pls XDDDD
Every other confessions… ehm you know me what happens in dms stays in dms… no no biting XDDDD. I won’t bite as long as you didn’t ask for it specifically… XDDDD
It's not that long actually, it's just repeated twice Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 the real issue is that while their message is interesting he talked in circles quite a bit so it might be difficult to understand
@swadian yeah i tent to ehm stop reading after awhile of rembling… this is why i also hate books that rambles around one theme. I do rambling myself soo yeah … XDDDD
Better than the panda X snake sagas.
998. GD in Wonderland pt.5: ‘@gdmh39 started blushing in embarrassment at the March Ghost and Mad Swan’s laughter at him not having manners, GD slams his teacup down but as he does it turns into bubbles and floats up in the sky. At their laughter dying down the Mad @Swadian coughs and wipes tears from his eyes and turns towards GD to speak face to face with him’ Mad Swan: “what brings you to our table on this horrid evening?” ‘Giggling maniacally while flashing his white teach at GD, GD scratches the back of his head and gives back a unsure smile’ GD: “well to be honest someone I know... or well who I’m supposed to know told me to visit” ‘looking at each other happily the Hare and the Hatter laugh delightedly and cheer at the thought of having a guest with them on this very un-special occasion’ GD: “un-special occasion? What un-special occasion” March Ghost: “ *slicing a teacup in half and eating the cut off piece while the Mad Swan pours and drinks tea from the other half* this un-special occasion is the un-happy celebration of us both still being single!” ‘Giggling and clinking the teacups together GD smiles and as he tries to say he’s single to he gets interrupted by both of them shouting’ Both: “clean cup! Move down!” GD: *jumps and looks inside his teacup that still has nothing in it* “But I haven’t even used it yet?” ‘Before GD can move to another seat the chair launches him up into the air and into a seat right next to the Hare and the Hatter. Blinking in fear at suddenly being launched GD inhales a shaky breath and while GD pulls himself together the Swan hands him a teacup’ Mad Swan: “would you like more tea?” GD: “well, I haven’t even drank any tea, so I can’t have more....” March Ghost: “ahh, you mean you can’t very well take less!” Mad Swan: “yes! You can always take more than nothing” GD: “well what I really meant wa-“ ‘being cut off and having a crooked teacup shoved into his hands Swan leans in and asks in a soft voice’ Mad Swan: “now, something seems to be troubling you and we’ve been wondering what it is, so please start with the beginning” March Ghost: “yes and when you reach the end, shut up, see? Ohh! And if the story is boring shut up before the end too.” GD: *looks between them in confusion but coughs and opens his mouth to start the story* Well, it all started when I was with Ying-“ March Ghost: “Ying? Ying, who’s Ying?” ‘Figuring that because @wei_ying knew what was happening the whole time he decided that his perfect answer would be...’ GD: “my waifu. She’s my waifu.” ‘Gasping in shock and popping out of a... large teapot? That suddenly appeared out of nowhere one of the other single club members the dormouse pops up in a hurry, looking around with wild eyes and a twitching nose’ Dormouse Joe (yes joemama joe): “wife!?” ‘Running around in a hurry and messing up the table along the way Swan tackles Joe and keeps him still so he doesn’t run away anymore’ March Ghost: “hurry! Give him the alcohol! On his nose! Mad Swan! “On his nose! On his nose!” ‘GD quickly rubbing the alcohol on the dormouse's nose, instantly calming him down and causing him to relax back in his teapot Swan and Ghost look at GD disapprovingly while one of them cracks a teacup like an egg over a teacup pouring tea (or maybe alcohol who knows?) into it.’ March Ghost: “see all the trouble you caused?” Mad Swan: “yeah, all because you aren’t actually single. I can’t believe you’d lie like this!” GD: “But... I’m not actually marr-“ Mad Swan: “Clean cup! Clean cup! Move down, move down, move down!” ‘ dragging him to an oversized chair this time and slamming him harshly into the chair, swan leans in and looks as if all of what is happening isn’t odd at all’ Mad Swan: “now dear, what were you saying?” GD: “I was sitting with my... you know?” March Ghost: “I do, hehehe?” GD: *rolls eyes and leans in to whisper while cautiously staring at the dormouse’s teacup* “my w-a-i-f-u”. ‘Completely ignoring his flexing of his spelling abilities Swan and Ghost are talking to each other as if GD doesn’t exist. After a few more tedious clean cups and moving downs AND trying to explain he hasn’t even had a sip of what might be in that cup GD stands up in frustration’ GD: “never mind! I haven’t got the time for this!” March Ghost: “The time, the time! Who’s got the time?” ‘Running in looking frazzled and worried @soojin1003 some reason sounding like those bad impressions of Australian folks’ White Rabbit: “naur, naur, naur, naur! No time, no time, no time! Hello, goodbye! I’m late! I’m late!“ GD: “oh thank heavens! Baby Rabbit!” ‘Grabbing at her watch before she can pass by the Mad Swan inspects it like he knows how it works (maybe he does actually?)) Mad Swan: “Well, no wonder you’re late! Why, this clock is exactly run off of you and your boyfriends love for each other!” March Hatter: “and we know that love *whack* is no *whack* use *whack* for this *whack* *whack*. White Rabbit: “Oh, my poor watch! Oh, my wheels! My springs! M-my un-birthday gift from @hellhound7 But- but- but- but, but- but- but…” ‘witnessing the poor continued destruction of Soojin’s watch, they all watch the clock spazz out together’ March Ghost: “well... anyone want tea?” White Rabbit: “and it was an un-birthday gift too.” Mad Swan: “well, in that case...” ‘singing the un-birthday song as GD finally takes his leave. Huffing and puffing angrily at the sheer confusion, stupidity and craziness of it all, he head deeper into the forest conversing with himself’ GD: “Oh dear! All of this was so stupid! What was the point of this and why and how did I get here? I guess this means I have to find Ying and leave with her since she knows what’s going on too?... I don’t wanna leave her along in this freaking place!” TBC- (once again I have taken some lines from the script of Alice in Wonderland those AREN’T mine. If you took time to read thank you very much and don’t worry Ying will be coming back soon)
999. i need advice. me and my ex gf broke up but says she wants to be still a part of my life. and wants to grow more before getting back in a relationship. and wouldn't mind being with me. and yet she never makes any attempts to make any contact with me or even say hello to me. every time i ask her if she okay or why she never says hello its because she busy. always busy. she does not talk with any guys but hardly makes any time for me when she says she wants to be. WHAT The fuck am i supposed to do?? this hurts me
1000. @wei_ying I wanna hear you describe all your children personalities uwu
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