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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

1001. Cris going to be single forever because he won't be able to get a girl
1002. I hope GD and Cris know Amarantha hates them also GD I'm going to steal mommy from you
Why you all going after Cris? He's a nice guy, polite, open minded. His love life is his business.
@1000 I also want to see this @1002 I already know this haha. Also it's fine @kuharido also they're probably not wrong hahahahaha
@1000 (wow! Can’t believe this has 1000+ confessions now). Baby chimken is a sweet girl (she really is ^-^) but can be sassy and she’s quite the tired, hardworking and sad baby sometimes, but she is also I feel could be quite the romantic one (in a way) with all the shipping she does). Baby panda is also sometimes quite the sad baby sometimes but she’s very sweet, kind and artistic, she can also be honest (at least from my experiences with her ^^) and for me gently so. She gives kind remarks about things but in a very soft way, I feel like her personality is also quite the romantic type and she wants people to be happy together (especially if she ships them). Lewd-Chad give his mom (me) a hard time and I admit I haven’t been able to talk to this kid much but I’ve heard from others he is actually quite the tsundere XD, which I do believe because every time I say he’s handsome and beautiful he gets aggressive and curses but I feel he can actually be quite funny. Baby Hamster (Frankie) I feel like can be quite shy but yet sweet, once again this is a child I don’t get to speak to much but when I do I love to let him know he’s adorable UwU.
I didn't know Soojin was also a shipper haha the more you know
@wei_ying :') i wuv you
@1000 continued. (Keep in mind a lot of people I kind of kidna- I mean just called my and GD’s own XD) Spark Plug/Bub (Sparkis) Is in my experience quite the chill one and from our conversations very hardworking and studious, he also doesn’t like to tolerate any foolishness from people (I feel like he’d use jerks or even a-holes lol) and speaks up if he sees someone being bothered. Oh! And he’s also a pretty honest one too. Little Miss Lea (Leandra) is another baby I hardly get to talk to much but when I do it’s nice talking to her. She from what I’ve heard people say seems to be kind hearted and a good listener/advice giver, she also loves to go shopping for me too (such a sweet child) and she seems like someone you’d wanna keep around as a friend cause she’s gonna try her best to help you as much as she can when you need it. Eupho/Clove (Vagabond) has pretty low self esteem a lot *I think most of my babies do :(* but he’s someone who means well and is just looking for good people to be around, from when I talked to him he seems like someone who also doesn’t wanna let you down if your gonna be his friend... so please treat him (and all my babes) nicely ^^. Minty (Minty_Aiko) also quite the artistic one, has a love for architectural, still life, family and friend photography and art, seems to me like someone who if you got to know would be very lively and have tons of things to talk about with you. And last but not the least my baby Dio UwU. He’s definitely a mamas boy and is sweet and innocent (at least with me tbh), he’s into art too and does manga which is very awesome... but he does love getting stuff (that is also expensive or pricier) to which I say will go to his daddy @gdmh39 BUY HIM STUFF CAUSE I CANNOT! XD. I’ll leave everyone with this, I love all my babies and if anyone hurts them may God have mercy on you ^-^ I love you all who read this and sorry it got long
That was definitely commitment to the question @wei_ying
Did I take it too seriously Viking babe? XD I mean now that I think about it I’m not sure whoever asked that was being serious or not. @amarantha I love you too. So, so, soooo much <3
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