Broken People

agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
Broken People
agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
The consistent thought of feeling numb. Doing your best to provide and help, but then being told your not enough. Doing so much, and providing so much. Just to be taken for granted. I never cared about the things you couldn't do for me. I only cared for the things you did. You got me to fall for you. I fell so hard, but once you got all you needed from me you threw me aside. I sacrificed so much for you. I gave up family and friends for you. You was my main priority. I guess I was never enough. I will still love you but I'll never love you the same. I will live in darkness for awhile. Eventually I'll move on or find someone who will love me for me, but damn I hate how everything reminds me of you....
Share your thoughts on you previous relationships.

Vagene @ahuman
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Broken People
Vagene @ahuman
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agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
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Broken People
agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
I miss mine also. I miss being able to enjoy listening to music, watching shows, even gaming. Unfortunately now everything reminds me of what I wish I could forget.

Vagene @ahuman
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Broken People
Vagene @ahuman
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Praxis @stazmae
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Broken People
Praxis @stazmae
Time is described as a good healer. With one of my previous, it affected me so much. Even now, I miss her so much. I know we both hurt each other, but in the end, we drifted apart and lost contact. If anything, it does hurt so much at first; I couldn't move on for years. Even now, it pops up into my thoughts.
But, when we spoke again, we had talked it out properly and came to an understanding. I miss what we had, but I don't wish to return to it.
I just feel glad, that now I have in my mind, that I need to move on

agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
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Broken People
agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
That is true time heals. The world is cruel, but it also gives you the ability to open your eyes and makes you realize things are not always meant to be permanent.
I'm happy for you that you were able to move on.
I know eventually she'll just be a memory to me, but I will forever be changed by what we had and went through together. I always wish her the best and know I'll support her though anything. I must move on and grow strong.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Broken People
Chocopyro @chocopyro
-dusts off the cobwebs-
Even though it didn't work out, and I chose to sever all ties, I still honor you. Though romantic feelings ceased to be long before the bond was broken, I still care whether you are happy. I forgave you before we parted ways, and even now, I still hold that to be true. If the wounds still linger, even after ten years, then I am sorry. But you have taught me valuable lessons, and I have learned much about myself through you. In the end, I am just not compatible with someone who truly hates the world that comprises reality. I learned not to try to solve every problem, for new ones always form. I learned the importance of self love within a relationship, and outside of it. It is ironic. Through irresponsibly attempting to teach you how to love yourself, that I learned from my words and actions how to truly love and respect myself. I still remember how you warned me that I would never be able to find anyone that understands me. But I have found myself. So thank you. For the very definition of a soul mate isn't romantic in nature, but rather a soul who teaches the lessons one needs to learn in life. As I have not stopped growing, I hope that you too found value, and constructive growth. It's now more important than ever, since you have a kid. So with no sarcasm, I wish thee good luck.
P.S. Sorry I have attention issues. I'm medicated for them now. XD

Titi @alihawk
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Broken People
Titi @alihawk
I saw you in the protest on the news today. I know you moved on from everything and am making the big $$$ now. We were actually extremely compatible but I was too immature and dumb to appreciate someone like you. You were stepping into a bright future and I just wanted to fuck around and party. I’ve changed soooo much. Wish we could talk. I hope your weirdo tarot voodoo shit tells you to talk to me again.

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Broken People
Booze it's your best friend~
Your liver and kidneys, your caretakers~

Vagene @ahuman
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Broken People
Vagene @ahuman
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