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agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
I don't sleep to well at night. I get lost in my thoughts...

agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
Hmm, just found this site. Let's see how it works. ^^
Last one to post here wins

agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
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Last one to post here wins
agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul

This late night cig is for you and the time we spent. This one is also my goodbye to you. Live a good and happy life.
Broken People

agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
commented on
Broken People
agmauinunmul @agmauinunmul
That is true time heals. The world is cruel, but it also gives you the ability to open your eyes and makes you realize things are not always meant to be permanent.
I'm happy for you that you were able to move on.
I know eventually she'll just be a memory to me, but I will forever be changed by what we had and went through together. I always wish her the best and know I'll support her though anything. I must move on and grow strong.