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@yaasshat I'm fine if you feel like rambling about parenthood, kids are precious and I've always had a soft spot for them and treasure them greatly. I've definitely thought about both sides of it before...I am not an actual parent as you know, no matter how much I deem people online as my babies (and they are ^^, I just know the bond must feel and be different with the actual biological bond. I've thought about the pain of child birth a lot too XD. I'm horrible with pain, but my heart always warms at the thought of holding a small, adorable, wrinkly, bloody little human in my arms afterwards. And I can only imagine what the bond must feel like.
Sep 12, 24 at 7:37pm
If you get lucky, your blood pressure might skyrocket and then you'll be forced to have an emergency C-section, like my fiance.lol Not really "Ha! Ha!" funny, more like " Ha! I'm in danger!" funny... But, that's what she wanted to begin with... Fun part was watching them shove their hands inside her like they were stuffing a turkey.lol Don't worry, they give ya the good stuff to numb your body and mind. Though, the epidural has its own set of issues... Know what? Even with PPD, she STILL wanted another. The two year mark has since changed her opinions on having another at some point.lol You'll almost see the birth part through rose tinted glasses, the first time you see that wrinkly face. Then... They grow up, tell you they hate you, yell, scream, poop, vomit, yell some more and then tell you they love you.lol Those cuddles when they fall asleep in your arms, though... That stuff you can't replicate.
@yaasshat I've also extensively imagined the growing up portions, hormones, attitude and all XD. I have no idea what it's like being a parent...and while I know the love must feel different, I still have plenty experience loving people, attitude and all. It's tough, but I think it could still be worth it :3. As long as I still continue to love my kid, that's all I'm concerned about...that and if I do well enough as a parent. I wouldn't want a C-section for myself though. I would do a water birth and push my baby out myself if I could, unless the circumstances would call for otherwise, but I want to do it. Edit: I'm happy your wife was fine afterwards though, meant to add that lol.
Sep 12, 24 at 7:52pm
Want to go the extra messy route, do ya? Well, that should be fun.lol I have PLENTY to improve upon as a parent, but the one bit of advice I've got that makes complete sense is this "If you're worried about how good of a parent you are, you're likely doing just fine.". Those who truly think about what they're doing and how to improve, they're likely doing alright as is(There's ALWAYS something to improve upon and you should be seeking to do just that, constantly improve.). Ask your parents if they've ever worried like that, my guess is that they have and that's something most parents go through, especially if they actually care.
@yaasshat Yeah, you're right, I think I need to get out of my own head sometimes. Sometimes I'm the one holding me back it seems XD. Yeah, I have experience with that. Especially with my dad, I think he's a great dad and man, cause he was always so open to letting himself work on things or his attitude over the years. He also never hesitated to apologize to any of us as his kids...something I know not all kids get from adults in their lives. I always thought to marry a man who can be just as vulnerable about his flaws like our dad, he really is a great communicator with us ^^, and I wouldn't want my own children (if God permits it someday) to have any less from their father nor me from my husband and vice versa.
Sep 12, 24 at 8:38pm
From butts to kids... Yup. There's a message here and it's that those cutie booties lead to life long duties. Ha...duty...... All from butts to life being nuts. It all started with a stare at that luscious darrier, they'll say. ;P
Sep 12, 24 at 9:22pm
@wei_ying the thing about butts is you can always work the muscle to be more firm and round but you can't do that with boobs. So being blessed with a big chest means you can obtain both big milky and big dumpy
@yaasshat Adorably aggravating lifelong duties I'm sure. But they are precious no doubt. @joemama711 I definitely want my booty to be round...my mom didn't bless me with the backside thickness XD. Apparently (according to my twin) my hips are "wide" though. Darn! I wasn't blessed with big boobahs exactly XD, I'm not flat, but they aren't huge. I'll settle for a big dumpy though lol.
Sep 13, 24 at 12:08pm
@wei_ying theirs resistance bands and workouts at home xD hey someone once told me " if it can in the palm of your hand that's enough".
Sep 18, 24 at 10:29pm
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