online dating is hard help

Jared @kimura_motoyuki
online dating is hard help
Jared @kimura_motoyuki
Alright so I've talked to a bit of girls on this website but most of the time i feel like its going nowhere or they ignore me now. I am new to dating and me and someone has to have like things in common but i cant find a lot of people who are like that even if i do they are not interested or are taken. how long do i gotta wait for that special someone. i feel like just gotta spend more time and try harder. what do y'all think?

Lishifu @hakutaku
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online dating is hard help
Lishifu @hakutaku patient...To most people, a few months? To some people, a couple of days....?! To me,........a long time...and right timing??

Lishifu @hakutaku
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online dating is hard help
Lishifu @hakutaku
...Online dating is truly hard...You will not know how needy/clingy/manipulative a few people may be until you date them...or you cannot see through their personas until you meet up with them...Sweet talks may blind you...<I'm an observer;also I read a lot about intimate relationships>

Niwatori @niwatori
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online dating is hard help
Niwatori @niwatori
Love finds you, not the other way around. Try be patient, honestly don't rush things and if you're impatient it shows and it's unattractive. Enjoy huntin for FRESH MEAT BACK ON THE MENUS BOYS

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
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online dating is hard help
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Listen kid it is not like an ice cream shop where all the flavors are free as online dating is like karate where you have to work hard for that black belt.

115 @siruboo
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online dating is hard help
115 @siruboo
its easier if your young. when your older you dont even want to try, for me at least. you get tired of trying. it just happens naturally. its pretty simple. its kinda hard too though

Inygma @traplover69
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online dating is hard help
Inygma @traplover69
It depends on the person, you need self control plus don’t be afraid to show them how you feel, don’t try to rush in and make sure you really do care about them, because you can end up hurting them or you with fake love, the moment can trick you some times

Phantom slasher @houndofdoom
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online dating is hard help
Phantom slasher @houndofdoom
No it's hard because you get told your to old either that or it's the long distance thing or it's they just want to be friends or they clam they trying to get they life together and in,my opinion it's help if you got someone who is trying to do the samething because yall could help each other out on those goals but that my personalize opinion on this o there, another thing i forgot to say or they want to do polyamorous dating which i am not down for at all.

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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online dating is hard help
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
It’s suppose to be hard. A test of bonds and who you are how long can you last, and how loyal

Baka @reinhardt76
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online dating is hard help
Baka @reinhardt76
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