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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Who doesn't like yandere?! XD
Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you. ^w^ How are you doing? :3

Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
I saw you are from Washington, I just moved here. I'm in Spokane, job hunting atm.

elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Heya, I've seen your friend request. What's up? :)
making friends at cons??

Jared @kimura_motoyuki
making friends at cons??
Jared @kimura_motoyuki
so im going to a con next week and im wondering how to make friends there tbh i wanna get some local anime friends but idk how to approach people. how do you even make friends that fast lol i bet they just wanna walk around and such without being bothered idk i havent been to a con before what do i know

Jared @kimura_motoyuki
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Jared @kimura_motoyuki

can you draw crazy yuno in your own way? please