how do u deal with bullies

nightnsky @nightnsky
how do u deal with bullies
nightnsky @nightnsky
i get pushed around a lot because i am a loner and childish plus i am like a tomboy i have tried to stand up for my self but i keep getting knocked down i dont rlly want to hurt anyone either i have tried talk to my parents and teachers but they dont care adn i was wondering wat should i do now

Mop @mop
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
Mop @mop
Hit them back. If they hurt you first, then it's just self-defense. I know you don't want to, but it looks like nobody else is helping you, so you should help yourself. Getting in a fight would also attract the necessary attention from your parents and teachers.
There are probably better solutions out there, but I was severely bullied all through-out middle school and I suffered from a lot of major injuries because I never fought back. I did tell my parents, but it didn't matter because the school wouldn't do anything about it. We eventually moved away. One of my biggest regrets was never fighting back.

nightnsky @nightnsky
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
nightnsky @nightnsky
i tried fighting back once and injuried ppl pretty badly and from then on i nvr wanted to hurt anyone that badly i need to get over that some how but i kno i cant that is y i am trying to look for an alternative method

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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how do u deal with bullies
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Have an air of confidence about yourself. When they are talking sh*t, look them in the eye and keep your poker face on. If you look away or if you're looking down, you are showing submission to them. They may make you mad or sad on the inside, but don't show it. They just want a response. Whenever they are done talking, do the dust-off-your-shoulders motion and walk away, still not showing any emotion. That should be enough for them to get bored of you and give up bullying. The only thing they can do to you from then on is actually physically attack you. At that point, let loose the dogs of war and kick their asses.

nightnsky @nightnsky
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
nightnsky @nightnsky
thx i will try that

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
ロイ @wallace614
Well do as K3nsh1n says that's the right advice looking at your situation
When someone is bullying someone they are doing it because they think you
Won't do anything about it so as soon as they see its not going to be easy they'll
Try harder before giving up because most bullies are lazy but if they do hit you
just fight back.
If they are just verbally abusing you then just do the brush of your shoulder thing like
Jay-Z oh wait wait like K3nsh1n said (lol) and you'll be fine

Kyetge! @kyetge
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how do u deal with bullies
Kyetge! @kyetge
As Tyga says in that twerking song, "Make it nasty".
Lace their food and contact items with legal irritants, like Raid or fireworks.
If that does not work, try giving them the runs, or in trouble with the law, or blackmail them(requires caution and intelligence).
Or just be BETTER than them where it counts.
You should start watching shows like Maury and Jerry Springer, if you don't already, to give you enough creativity for making comebacks like it's second nature(with me).
Or just fight them already. Kick their ass!Find what they value most and dangle it in front of them when they're vulnerable, then jump them (preferably one at a time).
You can also call them out publicly for doing bad things to you after you achieve something awesome and have a podium at hand, like, say, finishing a marathon or appearing on Dr. Phil.
If you feel bad about breaking loose when you fight, remember to rationally justify what you're doing/they're doing and record it all so that if(or when, if you're not careful) the popo shows up, there is clear evidence that you were provoked and the teachers/powers that be were turning both cheeks.

Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
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how do u deal with bullies
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
I had the same problem for years, but it only got physical the last year, and, yes k3nsh1n4life's advice is really good. My problem was that it had been going on since I was a little kid and didn't know better to the end junior high. At that point, the emotional control to show that I don't care just wasn't there, so I couldn't follow it no matter how hard I tried to (and believe me, I tried very hard and very often). Just know that, no matter how much your school ignores you being bullied or hit, they will not look the other way if you hit them. Always hit second, and once you start, don't stop fighting until it's over. And I'm sure I don't need to mention this, but never use a weapon. There's no way it can end well if you use a weapon.
If they are just being verbal, ignore them and walk away. Time them as you feel is right. If you are in the middle of doing something, just keep doing it without showing signs of paying attention to them. If you can't follow k3nsh1n4life's advice, this is easier and discouraging. It might not be as good, but it's something.
If they get physical, show them they are messing with the wrong person. As Mr. Miyagi says in Karate Kid (1984 version), "Either karate do 'yes', or karate do 'no'. You karate do 'guess so' *makes squishing movement* just like grape. Understand?" They will eat you alive if you "guess so" defend yourself, believe me. I've been there. I'm not physically strong, at least not compared to the football jocks, so rough fighting or shoving is not in my favor. It was a mistake for me to use it to defend myself. Now, many years later, I'm still not physically strong, but I know enough defensive throws that I could easily put an attacker on the ground without breaking a sweat. The best thing about defensive throws is that you don't have to worry about being falsely accused of being hostile. I suggest you learn some.

Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
Count on the school defending the bullies. If they've been looking the other way instead of defending you, chances are they still won't defend you. I was lucky that my principal was better than my teachers. Most people probably won't be that lucky. This is why I emphasized always hitting second and suggesting defensive throws. If you hit first once, you WILL get in trouble, and by using only defensive throws, there is no chance that you can be falsely accused to save the school's pride by not acknowledging what has been going on. There are a couple reasons for not using a weapon. First, if you don't win, it will be used against you. Second, if you do win, it will still be used against you, just not in the fight.
In short, if an institute hasn't defended you when you were bullied, expect them to defend the one bullying you.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
Kyetge! @kyetge
YEAH! Weapon usage in fights leads to bigger legal problems than you want to pay for. From simple battery/assault/whatever to BATTERY/ASSAULT WITH A WEAPON? Big difference. I just forgot the terms for these charges because I don't want to be a lawyer when I grow up.
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