how do u deal with bullies

Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
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how do u deal with bullies
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
I have to agree, suing the school seems like a good idea. The school will want to keep up a good image, which is part of why they hate acknowledging that there was a problem. If you take them to court, that causes two problems for them. First, it exposes them for pretending the problem didn't exist, and they often don't have money to spare for getting sued. They'll probably try to talk it out and solve the problem without getting sued if the issue of getting sued comes up.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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how do u deal with bullies
Kyetge! @kyetge
Or just poop in a bag and set it on fire in front of your bully's house already.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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how do u deal with bullies
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Kyetge, I like the way you think! :P

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
Kyetge! @kyetge
I'm weird. v.v
I have these stupid ways of dealing with things in my head and sometimes I say them out loud for the whole world to hear, or in this case read.
Only listen to the bits of my advice that make sense. :P

soulxevans @soulxevans
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how do u deal with bullies
soulxevans @soulxevans
get bras knuckles.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
Kyetge! @kyetge
They're banned, like everywhere!
Just wear some nice, pointy rings on all four of your fingers of both hands.

ロイ @wallace614
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how do u deal with bullies
ロイ @wallace614
Just stay away from them and do your own business if the try to hit you or anything fight back that's all

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
how do u deal with bullies
Kyetge! @kyetge
Just move schools. Change to my school. :3 My school is tiny and if you ever need to fight, there are plenty of alleys and gas stations around the place to conceal your acts of retribution without people calling the cops.

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
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how do u deal with bullies
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
aw.... here first you need a hug ok.. <(^~^)> ok i was bullied almost all my life but mostly my hair ya it was way longer back then sigh what was i thinking.. so like i tried my best to ignore em but it was really really hard so in the end i broke down but in the end teachers found out and i switched schools kinda but then i go back and i like got more confidence and everything like idgaf look and i met friends with like my likes and all.. so like u are in a group anyways tbh if i was there i would stand up for you sigh one bad thing living in canada cant meet ppl

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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how do u deal with bullies
Phoenix @animecountryboy
i can tell you from experience that bullies can ruin your life, i was bullied from elementary to high school constantly. i tried getting the school to do something but my school sucks at doing its job. finally in 10th grade i had enough and got into a fight with one of the bullies(dont do that by the way) no one got badly hurt so no one got in any real trouble but i realize how i handled it was wrong. and since then i have realized better ways and the past year of school my 11th grade year i found much better. here are some tips i can give from my experiences:
1) just walk away, i know it is hard and they wont stop right away but this helps
2) talk about it to people you trust, this is more of just a comforting aspect to help you deal with it. i like to talk to some family or my closest friends
3) this may be a but weird advice but stand up to other bullies who are bullying other people, this will help you build confidence and may give you and ally/friend in who you stand up for
4) if you talk back to bully try and talk in a sort of proud voice, this is just something i found to help get them to see you are not week
5) try to say something that may make them feel bad without being "mean" i find saying something like "sad how you have to make other people feel bad to feel good about yourself" or something like that
6) find what you like and enjoy yourself. when you tend to have a fun time overall and feel happy you tend to not forgot about bully drama
7) (this is a more temp piece of advise)if possible try to take a different route to class for a bit, however dont do this forever because it will give them a win but doing this on occasion will give you a break from them. but have a good reason to go that route like hanging with a friend on the way to their class
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