Your thoughts on friends with benefits?

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Recently I have thought about the issue after a serious relationship hurt me so I am curious about your thoughts?
yes, no, whatever?

Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
I don't particularly see it as a good thing, but to each their own.
I see it as a slippery slope towards "I just keep you around for sex." If I had one, I'd also have trouble with having sex without any commitment, and then start feeling bad when I finally could have sex without any commitment. Either way I'm screwed, both literally and figuratively.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I like that stuff.
As long as there is a constant of professionalism, nothing can go wrong. And nothing has.

Proud Beast @proudbeast
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
Proud Beast @proudbeast
Do it. Need to vent? Whatever gets it out of your system. Just make sure it stays friends with benefits instead of being rebound. A friend in need is a friend indeed. :)

jet73l @jet73l
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
jet73l @jet73l
It can work for some people, and can't work for other people. It probably wouldn't work very well in my circle of friends since we're basically Significant Others Without Benefits (where benefits include paying for each others' meals and sloppy makeouts, not just the usual "benefits").
For some people, it's a slippery slope to "we just keep each other around for the sex", like Keisanki said. For others, it's a slippery slope to "I actually LIKE-like you" (probably how it would be with me if it lasted more than a few times before going back to no benefits, or only taking advantage of the arrangement very rarely). For still more people, like Kyetge, it totally works. As long as both partners are in the same category, or somehow in different-but-compatible subcategories (not listed here because that's /way/ too complicated), I don't see anything wrong with it (ethically OR logistically).

Mop @mop
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
Mop @mop
I don't THINK I'd do it. Hard to say, since my current boyfriend and I had sex a few times before we were dating (but it had already been established that we WERE going to date. I just hadn't said yes yet). I think I'd get too emotionally attached to anyone I was sleeping with, but not seeing.

EmmleMae @emmlemae
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
EmmleMae @emmlemae
Same as mop, really. I'd probably either get emotionally attached or start feeling used... knowing my overactive brain. :|
I'm also ridiculously loyal to people (friends included, not just relationships) so that kind of thing would more than likely screw with me.

darrellacoustic @darrellacoustic
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
darrellacoustic @darrellacoustic
Definitely not. If a girl cares enough to be intimate with me, she damn better care enough to be with me. Pointless sex is pointless to me.(obviously) meaning I only want to be intimate with someone I really care about.

wiglaf @wiglaf
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Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
wiglaf @wiglaf
I've tried it a few times. I do NOT recommend it. It always ends up awkward and weird. Especially once you end up having some of the same freinds and then it just becomes a whole social snafu. It gets weird really fast. It wound up resembling a very bad relationship. And I didn't enjoy it like I had with women I cared a lot about. There is plenty of lust to go around, but no passion and that's what really gets my heart pumping. Sex is best when both people have that feeling in the chest like they want to consume the other, like fuel for a fire. I don't know how to really describe that feeling, but i'm sure some of you know just what I mean. Just wait for someone that you care about. FWB isn't worth it.

darrellacoustic @darrellacoustic
commented on
Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
darrellacoustic @darrellacoustic
^ 100 % agree.
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