Your thoughts on friends with benefits?

- @machina
commented on
Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
- @machina
As long as it doesn't include sex it's fine with me. I love a cute friend who can get a bit "crazy" sometimes. X3

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
commented on
Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I think it's the worst idea since electing George Bush as President. 1: You never know who they are sleeping around with on the side (2) along with point 1 it increase your risk of catching an STD. (3) To all those that say they use it to unwind...there are less intimate ways to do that.(4)Fuck it it's nasty...0.0 yea I said it...JUST PLAIN NASTY! I will honestly never pursue someone who's had a fuck buddy or FWB, and if I find out someone did while i'm in a relationship...I'd dump them on the spot. To me it shows a lack of morals and self control. If your will to just sleep with someone just for the hell of it...well I don't believe you have what it takes to be in a stable one on one relationship...NASTY!(This is like the only topic you'll ever see be judgemental on.)

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
commented on
Your thoughts on friends with benefits?
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
Plus I'd never stop wondering who the person was fucking around with just before me...just saying...ppl who are into FBuddies and FWB are usually the ones that end up cheating. So...thank you everyone that posted they were for it...I know to stay away from you.
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