Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?

kyrastarholder @kyrastarholder
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
kyrastarholder @kyrastarholder
What is everyone's opinions on dating someone with a mental disorder or a past, like depression, previously bullied, panic attacks, etc.?
I think people should want to help with these issues if they see them. I definitely would! But what's your opinion??

altair88 @altair88
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
altair88 @altair88
Pretty sure that is everyone on this site to some extent. So I'm gonna guess most people wouldn't because they can relate. I myself would because everyone has a past and you cannot really judge them for that. Now if they were like a serial killer or a sociopath than probably not.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
neeto @neet_one
Sure, I hang with plenty of people like that daily as is. Not that big of an issue to me. If anything I'd say I'm more used to dealing with people who have issues such as those than not. Stuff like that could possibly even make things more interesting.

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
Nakama @jacob1
Never again, already has done it once. Never again. I prefer someone who has a good relationship with there family, not much bad history, and is not crazy. Is that to much to ask for?

115 @siruboo
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
115 @siruboo
if they didnt take medication. i dont like nut cases. well ive met people that were cool that took pills maybe

kyrastarholder @kyrastarholder
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
kyrastarholder @kyrastarholder
@tota @siruboo I'm not talking pyscho, I'm talking emotionally scarred or just troubled. They are actual human beings too with personal issues

Rain @rainx
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
Rain @rainx
I think it would honestly come down to what their issues are and what they're doing to deal with it. Everyone is different and handles such things their own way, but I don't think it would be a complete deal breaker for me personally.

Edtastic @edtastic
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
Edtastic @edtastic
Everyone's got a past, everyone's got a future. I'd be fine with it.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
First I would figure out if they're stable enough to maintain a relationship with me. How are you going to be in a relationship with someone else before fixing yourself up.
If they are then I would date them.

mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
Would you date someone with a bad history/emotional background?
mariahaise @mariahaise
Hell yea.
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