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Lifestyle Fitness!

Ahhh I see well regardless I feel like youll have them soon you seem very determined! haha
I don't ever desire to have 'abs' or bulgy muscles, when I've been fit, I've been very lean. I don't desire that. I'm generally pretty healthy with my diet but I definitely need to do more physical activity these days. I used to be more active but this is going to change. I find when I'm active I can eat less and be satisfied - go figure.
Oct 12, 15 at 10:35pm
Don't worry, answers will be coming tomorrow evening after work. I have to be in at 5:30 all this week, so there goes my nightlife. A heads up Arc - fastING cardio will be explained as well as the benefits and uses of carbs and fats. @Veruca - I want to explain a little about the basics of healthy living before talking about my routine. I think it is very important to understand some basic nutrition and lifestyle choices that will make exercising all the more easier. But it will definitely come, so don't worry. Stay buff peoples!
For me to get in a routine workout like I would like, I first need to find a stable job that isn't all crazy different hours. My plan is to join a YMCA after I find a good job and go everyday, altering the type and abundance of activities between running, swimming and weight lifting on different days. Being in an environment with cute girls will get my hormones flowing and motivate me. Wold also love to find a female workout partner...
Oct 12, 15 at 11:00pm
I feel like I'm in Men's Fitness Magazine XD https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/school_rumble_girl_mustache_glasses_40001_602x339.jpg
Oct 12, 15 at 11:06pm
veru, come get buff with us XD
Oct 12, 15 at 11:08pm
Probably wouldn't take much. I'm built like an ox as it is.
Most people store fat in the belly first and burn it off there last to protect your organs. The irony is some overdo abdominal workouts thinking they will get rid of the belly fat faster which is not true. Almost everyone who is overweight already has descent 6 pack abs supporting their heavy trunk you just can't see it through all the fat. Cutting any processed or fake sugar (especially liquids) made me drop 12 pounds in a week and a half without extra exercise when I started my new fitness plan. I use a high protein diet(holds off hunger longer); natural almond and peanut butter, unprocessed honey if I want any sugar, hard-boiled eggs. I get a good but smaller steak once a week otherwise its lean poultry if I eat meat. Fruits and veggies of course for the rest. If I even eat fast food at all anymore it's on my cheat day. I also keep my house a couple degrees cooler to force my body to burn fat to generate more body heat. A funny trick my doc taught me, if your pelvic area is cold your body works harder to get your temp back up fast to protect the sperm and eggs as they need a very specific range of temp to survive. Speaking of abs It's core and arms night tonight at the gym. Half way there, 40 more pounds and I am back in my peak ideal range.
lol that makes 2 of us, i love fitness also. i personally love too do interment fasting when cutting. as long as i keep track of my cal and macros im fine, but defiantly going too have too watch it soon as i become a truck driver going to be doing long distance truck driving at that muahaha! scary i know lol. but my real goal is to be a fitness-model at 190-210lbs lean. druck driving will help $. like you said "Rome wasn't built in a day" lol. looking good by the way, keep it up dude.
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