Lifestyle Fitness!

Luxus @superluxus
Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
Hey all! For those who don't know me, I'm Jeff and I am a certified personal fitness trainer. The last couple days I have been asked numerous health related questions, and at the commandment of Veruca, I have decided to begin a thread so people can ask me questions or I can make simple lifestyle suggestions. Being an otaku society undoubtedly has it's problems, especially when it comes to a sedentary lifestyle.
Over the course of time, I will any and all questions you may have. This is a thread for beginners and professionals alike, for men and women, children and adults, healthy and unhealthy. Heck, it's even for myself. There is no such thing as a dumb question, so please feel free to ask me anything related to fitness or healthy living. Keep in mind that I am not a doctor, so please refrain from asking me about serious injuries or health problems. Always seek professional medical attention.
I'm a big supporter of practicing what you preach, so I am including the only shirtless selfie that I will ever post on this site. I'm not out to get girls phone numbers, so if you are after my body, I'm not interested. I would rather a girl be interested in who I am, not what I look like, beauty fades. I am currently at 147lbs, with my ultimate goal being a lean 160lbs, so I still have a long way to go.
With the introductions out of the way, let's get this started. In the words of arguably the greatest body builder to ever compete, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, "Rome wasn't built in a day." There is no quick and easy method to getting in shape, it takes time and should be a lifestyle adjustment.
Good luck everyone, and stay fit, Jeff

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
neeto @neet_one
People sure love taking photos of their bathroom mirrors. I see mine almost every day but have honestly never had the urge to take a pic of it.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
Veru @verucassault
Yay. Lux ... One thing you may want to add, after all that I'm sorry- is your routine since you were asked by like 3 diff people over the last couple days lol

Arc @arc
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
Arc @arc
That's strange, I was just about to ask you for tips before this thread even came up XD
I'm jealous of King frost's abs so I created a concoction that's a health snack for me. Here are my ingredients:
Canned salmon
crushed almonds
green lentils
goat cheese (in small quantity for creaminess)
borsin cheese (in small quantity for creaminess)
kalmata olives
greek olive tepanade
artichoke hearts
kale-carrot leaf pesto sauce
olive oil
red wine vinegar
stone ground mustard
I'm basically trying to create the ultimate snack meal that I don't even have to heat up. I can eat it cold by itself or warm it up and have it in a spinach wrap with hot sauce. Pretty versatile.
What do you think? Am I missing anything that will help me create the ultimate food for abs? If you had to create a number one ab food that you can eat a lot of, what would it be?

♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
Hahaha Arc youre really over thinking this man! You wanna know and old MMA secret to help speed up your metabolism?

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
Veru @verucassault
Lol show the pic Arc

Arc @arc
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
Arc @arc
no, I don't think they would want to see it XD
anything with lentels and steamed carrot slices is bound to look like something already regurgitated. Taste is about a 6/10 but it has a crapton of protein with very little fat.
And sure king, what is that secret?

Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
I did alot of push UPS crunches and pull UPS..with weights I did 3 sets of 21s with curl bar,100 reps of 135 on bench my max was 315 but doing less weight and more reps are better for you for triceps and shoulders I did head crushers with but the most important thing is to eat as healthy as possible and cardio and leg presses or squats that's what I did when i was playing football and boxing

♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
Burn your mouth with Hot and Spicy food Its not really an mma secret but its how I sped my metabolism up and how I still have my muscles on my stomach 2 years later if you eat a shit ton of spicy food your metabolism slowly and surely speeds up...the bad thing is it also slightly also takes away some of the pigment in your skin so get plenty of sun buddy!

Arc @arc
commented on
Lifestyle Fitness!
Arc @arc
king, I already eat a lot of spicy foods so I guess I already have that advantage. I suppose that is why I can eat an entire pizza to myself in one sitting and still see my 4 pack a day later XD
My biggest issue is that my body stores nearly 100% of it's fat content in my stomach area. I'm very lean everywhere else. It's just that the abs are so friggin hard to do.
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