Lifestyle Fitness!

kizumono @shifftee
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Lifestyle Fitness!
kizumono @shifftee
you can workout n shit on the road, just gotta find shit you can do when you have to take breaks n shit. i have seen truck drivers that are built do it

lordaesthetics @lordaesthetics
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Lifestyle Fitness!
lordaesthetics @lordaesthetics
yea your right and shit. but still gotta watch it. most truck drivers are over weight :)

kizumono @shifftee
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Lifestyle Fitness!
kizumono @shifftee
yea bc they get lazy and eat really shitty. but if you keep on your game you'll be good. especially once you get a mini fridge n shit to make food you can just stock up on food n shit

카덴자 @sdcadenza
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Lifestyle Fitness!
카덴자 @sdcadenza
This account has been suspended.

♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
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Lifestyle Fitness!
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
Hey I am totally out of shape and need to start eating better. In the past I have always just cut my calories but a few people have told me about clean eating. What would you recommend to help me lose weight and not end up putting it back on.

Luxus @superluxus
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
Thanks for all the questions everyone and being concerned with your well being. Before I get to the questions I just want to go over a few pointers to consider when beginning any exercise or diet plan.
1. Mentality - The mind is a very powerful weapon, and it should definitely be used accordingly. When dealing with a diet or an exercise program, you have to want it badly enough, and you need to find solid reasons to do it. I'm not the biggest fan of being on a diet to lose weight. I want to know why you want to lose weight; it provides a more purposeful reason for dieting. For if you just want to lose 15 pounds, what happens when you reach that goal. Oftentimes people stop dieting and gain the weight right back. It's all about engaging the mind, understanding your goals and what you wish to accomplish. The same applies to exercise, why do you want to gain muscle and for what reason? You need to develop realistic goals that go beyond just hitting a certain point.
2. Sleep - This is perhaps one of the most overlooked part of any diet or exercise plan. The average person should have anywhere between 7-9 hours of solid sleep a night. It will provide significantly faster results. When strenuous exercise leaves the body exhausted, sleep is the best time for the body to relax and recover. In dieting, with more sleep comes less eating. Late nights often involve plenty of snacking, which chances are at this time of night, those choices of food are not the best. Sleep is essential for healthy living.
3. Diet - No matter what sort of goal you wish to attain, your diet should be the heart and soul of what you are doing. It takes a greater amount of effort to eat right consistently than it does to attend the gym consistently. Having the proper diet is crucial to losing weight or gaining muscle. Eating right should always include a healthy dose of whole foods, no matter the goal. Exercises should be eating more protein and carbohydrates because there bodies demand it. Where as dieters should stick to meals rich in vegetables, but never neglecting protein or carb sources. Sugar is perhaps the last thing anyone needs more of. In the American culture, it is everywhere. It occurs naturally in large amounts in fruit. But the stuff that is in a large amount of the snacking industry should be avoided.
This is just a brief overview of a couple key things to think about. Over time I will try to provide more information on each topic. But I don't want to overwhelm you all with insane amounts of information all at once. With all that being said, no one is perfect, and sometimes life interferes with our plans. The key here is honesty, being honest with yourself as well as others. The thing I struggle with most is proper sleep. My day job requires me to be up at either 4 or 5 in the morning. I am by nature a creature of the night, so this makes getting to bed on time rather difficult. But I try to shoot for no fewer than 7 if I can.
Now, a lot of you had many questions, so I will attempt to give the best answer I can.

Luxus @superluxus
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
@arc - Shedding the weight around the midsection can be one of the most difficult things to do. Often it is the last trace of a former life of pigging out and not exercising. There is a reason a large portion of men at the gym, even though they may be able to lift a car, still have guts. One thing many bodybuilders do is a thing called fasting cardio. What this entails is doing some form of cardio first thing in the morning, before you even eat. The reason is because of energy output. The body primarily uses carbohydrates for energy, it converts it into glucose and is stored for use as energy. However, when the body has no carbs left to use for energy, it will use fat as energy. Protein is almost negligible when it comes to being used as energy; it is only used as a source of energy in cases of extreme starvation. Going back to fasting cardio requires that the body uses fat as energy because most of the carbohydrate stores have been depleted during the night from normal bodily activities. That is just one example of a tip for getting rid of that last bit of fat. The harder method would be to really concentrate on fixing the diet and getting rid of sugars. But like I said, it's all about the mind and how badly you want it.

Luxus @superluxus
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
@reaper - Activity is a crucial part to any person's lifestyle. Even the smallest form of low intensity exercise has tremendous health benefits. Low intensity exercise often includes activities such as walking, but it doesn't even have to include that. Find fun things to do which require you to move. I know many people on here do the Wii fit and stuff like that, but there are plenty of other ways. I recently got into disc golf (or frisbee golf), and that requires a lot of walking. However, other than that, it doesn't require much strenuous involvement. Even small things like parking further away when going to the grocery story or mall. I see people fighting over the closest parking spot all the time, sometimes people drive around the lot multiple times just looking for that coveted first spot. When parking further away, even if it may seem trivial, will begin to add up in the long run. The key is just to do it and to learn to enjoy it!

Luxus @superluxus
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
@vampireneko - That is a great idea! I was in the exact same boat because I used to work in fast food. My hours were always all over the place, so it was difficult finding the time to go to the gym everyday. Now having a set schedule at the factory I'm at now, it is infinitely more easier to make it to the gym everyday. It's become part of my routine to stop there right after work. So definitely keep looking for a better job and investing in a gym membership. As to having a girl work out partner, I would find that heavily distracting. :P

Luxus @superluxus
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
@darku - Keep it up bro! You are already on the right path. "It's the job that's never started that takes longest to finish." Just keep working and remember once you reach your goal, continue to keep healthy habits and you will be sure to never put the weight back on!
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