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people assume that im gay///homosexual...

SUPER DUPER Late comment, to know if you're gay, watch some yaoi hentai or gay porn in HD and if you pop a boner then fap to it, you're either Bisexual or just gay or whatever. That's how I determine my sexuality because before I didn't know what my sexuality is so I tried that. I'm attracted to women a bit more like probably 70% or around 70. And the rest of the percentage I'm attracted to men but mostly the innocent lookin' men. But anywho, just be yourself, fuck all those guys or gals that call you names, etc.
Just go with it. Who care what they think and if you like the girl. Just confess to her, then she know your not gay.
First when I was in HS a girl said she was surprised I asked her out because she thought I was gay and that's why she was friendly to me. As a kid I was raised by women and the church mostly so I was a cream puff. I looked as femmy as a guy from Final Fantasy about a decade or so before that look was popular. Girls were really hard at first and would just treat me like a brother even if I told them I wanted to date them. I had dozens of 'sisters' who all said I was so nice and I would meet the right girl one day and all the other stereotypical platitudes and advice that did not work. It happened again a couple times before college and it was really messing with my head until one of my gay friends set me straight(pun intended). He was a good friend that was hot and a DJ and used to get tons of pussy growing up but he said he never felt right or enjoyed sex with women and did when he started dating men and that's how he knew he was gay. Be who you know you are and what feels right I suppose. You sound like you like girls which is naturally congruent to your biology. Society seems to have become obsessed with feminizing males over the last couple decades with the foolish assumption it will 'fix' some of their negative traits. The solution is the opposite which is why I encourage men to learn how to cultivate their masculinity healthfully and learn to master it. In my own experience and others who rejected the disney romcon PC crap and found ourselves the rejections lessened dramatically. We did not have to become muscle bound ogres crushing beer cans on our heads or treat women like crap to succeed either. Girls say they want a nice guy but they really want a good man which requires him to not always be nice but not an ass either. There is a balance and fewer good male role models to teach it now days. I see more articles written by women than men on how to be a proper man - ignore them if you want a fulfilling romantic life trust me.
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