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people assume that im gay///homosexual...

lots of ppl assume dat im gay/homosexual.. nothing wrong at all about being gay but im not exactly gay myself.... i guess i could be considered bi i suppose but i just go with the label 'straight' becuzzz i 99..99.99.9999% only like girls like dat.... lol.. what should i do u think ?? lots of gals assume im gay & dont even bother
I bet most people don't even care. I don't care. Fuck whoever you want is not going to affect global warming.
Who cares what they think your a great guy gay, straight or bi your still an amazing person :)
honestly who gives a fuck lol as to what you should do if you're talking to someone and that someone thinks you're gay and it bugs you, tell that person dont tell everyone else cause most everyone else probably don't care to know
i just let ppl assume what they want, most of the time hahaha i guess the right person for me wont assume
wait so you like girls...but you consider yourself bi? ok then lol but yeah dude dont listen to what they say so what? they can call you gay all they want. but you know you like girls, and as long as the girls you like know you like girls. then who even cares?
I've gotten that a few times sure. When you don't treat women like pieces of meat guys just assume you're gay. Then there's being neat/clean, and liking cute things.
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I know.....I know.....I get that alllll the fucking time! Back in high school I was friends with a girl that, out of nowhere, told me that I must be gay for not making a move on her. Then there are all the dude-bros who yell out catcalls until they realize I'm a guy. Then proceed to call ME a faggot.
Let em think that, No skin off your back. Just shows how closed minded people are.
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