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Animelina @animelina
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Animelina @animelina
Hi there, thnx for adding.

michaelw @michaelw
michaelw @michaelw
I feel bad for his girlfriend. It will be a while before i forget the sound of her screaming... It was almost animalistic. So much pain.

michaelw @michaelw
michaelw @michaelw
Yeah that was sooooo scary! I wonder if that guy is ok.... There was alot of blood.
Hot but not.

michaelw @michaelw
commented on
Hot but not.
michaelw @michaelw
Orange people are gross.
Piercings and tattoos are sexy.
Near Death Experiences

michaelw @michaelw
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Near Death Experiences
michaelw @michaelw
When I was in the hospital with mrsa something happened because of my heart murmur. I just got super tired and passed out. Later the nurse told me that they thought my heart was stopping or something. That's the closest that I've ever been to dying but I have saved three peoples lives.
Dealer. Jun 27-30
Dealer. Sep 21-22
Aug 29-Sep 1
Dealer. Sep 20-21