Near Death Experiences

o.o @bloodcursedchild
Near Death Experiences
o.o @bloodcursedchild
Has anyone ever had a Near Death Experience before?
As for me, I almost died by suffocation while sleeping.

neeto @neet_one
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Near Death Experiences
neeto @neet_one
Almost drowned once, Had a pretty bad head injury when I was younger that got me sent to an ER, once fell asleep while driving home from work and hit the center divider on the highway.
Oh and does it count when your dad threatens to kill you?

Veru @verucassault
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Near Death Experiences
Veru @verucassault
I went into respiratory arrest during a surgery.

Luxus @superluxus
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Near Death Experiences
Luxus @superluxus
Ïve never had one personally (at least I don't think I have). But my neighbor, good friend, and mentor had a heart attack. That wasn't the bad part though. In the ambulance, his heart stopped again and this time he flatland for like a minute. Everyone in the ambulance thought he died, but suprise, he came back!! It's a good thing he did too, he became one of the biggest influences in my life and helped to shape me into what I am today.

o.o @bloodcursedchild
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Near Death Experiences
o.o @bloodcursedchild
Neet, ummm I'm not sure if threatening is a Near Death Experience. I guess it would be considered one if he attempted to harm you in a way that could put your life in danger or something like that. I could be wrong but why does your Dad threaten to kill you anyways? You don't have to answer me if it's something personal.

diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
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Near Death Experiences
diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
I tried to get get a stolen item back for a friend when i was 16, almost got stabbed. Got sucked into a riptide when i was 9, slammed one of my cars into a tree when i was 21, had a cop pull a gun on me (in NY, that counts as near death) at 22, my ex gf got drunk while i slept and turned our fireplace on without opening the floo, we both almost died because she passed out and our apt filled with gas, almost got hit by a car at 5, almost got hit by a train at 19, sliced my wrist open at my old job and almost bled out at 24, and I think that might be it

Lamby @momoichi
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Near Death Experiences
Lamby @momoichi
Nearly got ran over like 30 times (I need to watch the road)
I was a breached birth
But the worst was when I had sleep paralysis, it's so painful but once it was super bad and I saw a bright light and like, I was a sphere but instead of going into the light I darted into the dark. May sound like a dream but it was too painful and scary...

115 @siruboo
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Near Death Experiences
115 @siruboo
i was homeless sleeping in the rain right before winter. if i didnt find a shelter i would have died

stickmichael @stickmichael
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Near Death Experiences
stickmichael @stickmichael
I almost died about a dozen times from a disease I inherited from some ass in my bloodline about 200 years back. lol I am in remission now and have been for over 5 months, so all is good now.

xypho @xypho
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Near Death Experiences
xypho @xypho
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