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This is what turns me off to a lot of anime

While there are some great anime choices out there, a wide variety of anime spawns from lazy writing. I'm not going to point any fingers (however you can if you want), but I think a lot of anime suffers from lazy writing. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/870/345/a47.jpg I really appreciate it when stories go out of their way to at least try to explain how supernatural crap works. Otherwise I just can't take it seriously. http://i.imgur.com/rdfGfkf.jpg What turns you off in anime?
The fan-serviced much types...
When they think a pretty face can carry the whole story. " Oh you have questions about this? here's a cute girl" I get that for some anime that's the point.. But for others it's just insulting. ( Also don't get me wrong, I enjoy the cute girls. Just not when they're using it to get away with everything )
Oh yes, the exuberant fan service. I didn't mention it because I've avoided all anime like that. The only time I've really seen it done right is in Elfen Lied where it contrasts so sharply with the other elements of the story. Creates an interesting dynamic.
When they are awfully good animated but the plot is so bad it just slaps you right in the face.
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Recycled themes and poor animation. How many "stuck in a video game" shows are they going to pump out every year? Those fate/stay shows have shit animation but they deceive people with their flashy light AfterEffect bullpucky. Talk about fate/gay right? lmao lmao lmao lmao rofl eh.
I'd say the thing that bugs me the most is exposition dumps. When the flow of the events come to a halt just so a character can explain his thoughts, what's happening in the scene, and/or the character motivations. It's like they think only people with ADD watch anime and the only way for anyone to understand what's going on is the have it spelled out for them in detail.
What annoys me is when the main girl of an anime/manga is completely dependant on a guy and can't do anything for herself. Also,if the main girl is whiny and doesn't have a back bone then I just can not take it.
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