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Gym Jerk.

Sunbae @alanzd commented on Gym Jerk.
May 09, 15 at 2:52am
Oh being prideful is a bad trait lol. I acknowledge that fully. It's just that it's difficult to not be prideful for me. I've gotten too used to it.
neeto @neet_one commented on Gym Jerk.
May 09, 15 at 3:24am
Verbal abuse never justifies physical violence. She was right to say what she did, what you did was easily a lot worse. Don't copy what you see in movies, White knighting is not cool bro. Do you honestly expect random girls to spread their legs for you just because you hurt some poor guy? You're the one who should have been kicked out of the gym and you're lucky that guy didn't file assault charges on you. That shit might fly on the school yard but when out in the real world you need to grow the fuck up and realize you can't solve problems with violence. If you really think hurting people makes you cool then you're seriously screwed up in the head. Congratulations on being a piece of shit Alistair.
May 09, 15 at 3:35am
@Neet One Telling someone they're a piece of shit makes you no better than them.
May 09, 15 at 5:16am
Jesus neet. simmer down. Also, I wasn't looking for sex and even if the offer came up I would turn it down. I love how this is ever so slowly turning more and more into I am a horrible monster.
May 09, 15 at 5:19am
LOL Neet unfriended me XD. Love when people shun me over something unrelated to them that they misunderstand.
May 09, 15 at 7:42am
Alistair, Honestly, I don't blame you. I would have done the same. Does it make it right? Not at all, but I can't stand bullies. I'm sure she was embarrassed with the attention from them and you. Also, it sounds like her pride was a little hurt. You certainly are lucky charges weren't pressed, feet weren't broken or a fight wasn't started. I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by telling this story, clearly you know you were wrong too. But, unlike Neet, I can see it wasn't done for ass (I can read). Next time either talk to the guys or management or just leave it be. She was a big girl (No pun intended ) and I'm sure she could've handled herself.
May 09, 15 at 8:03am
Ok ok so she called you an asshole for helping? Yeah i guess she could have handled it herself but come on that was rude as hell. How are you gonna tell someone they are an asshole for helping you. Yeah what you did wasnt right he could have gotten hurt but at the same time he had it coming. Idk maybe she saw it as you dropped it on his foot and what if he comes after you, probably she didnt want anyone getting bullied cause of her?
anon @otakujt commented on Gym Jerk.
May 09, 15 at 9:44am
People like her is part of the reason I've lost faith in humanity. You help someone, they take it a way that ISN'T thanking you for what you did and they basically hit you in the face with their words. Basically like what this girl did. I mean, she should've AT LEAST thanked you from saving her from those guys. But whatever, you know? Next time (if this happens) and she gets bullied in the gym for something, leave her. Let her get bullied for being the ungrateful fat bitch she was being. Don't try to talk to her and don't try to help her from bullies. She just doesn't seem worth the time imo.
It's funny on these threads how all of the shallow people come out of the woodwork to discuss complex situations that even they aren't fully comprehending, haha. --- It's alright Alistair. You needed a place to vent, and you did so.
Arc @arc commented on Gym Jerk.
May 09, 15 at 11:08am
Alistair, I don't think you were a monster for what you did. Holy crap though, 75 pounds can do some serious damage. I think we both know that was far too serious of an escalated response. Even if you tried to save her and went about it the wrong way, she was kind of a bitch for slamming you down like that. Sometimes you save people that just are not good people on the inside. In my belief the only proper responses would have been A) Tell them off loudly and ask them to leave. People would have probably backed you up. Tell them that they are bothering YOUR experience in the gym so it softens the embarrassment to the woman. B)Comfort the woman. Say some encouraging words to the woman off to the side. C)Tell management Honestly, I believe A is the best choice because it confronts the actual problem, making them think twice about starting a conversation like that in public again.
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