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The " Nice guy" and "Friendzone"

Just Here for the babes.. No one purposely likes Bad personalities.. atleast I think.. From MY EXPERIENCE.. with girls.. Young girls (16-30) like a lot of excitement, and it just so happens that "Bad Boys" Bring a lot of unknown suspense and drama that a lot of young girls crave.. Their uncontrollable.. They are unavailable.. the emotional rollercoaster... The chase.. The heartbreak... The Make up... its just a fun roller coaster ride for them.. but eventually that ride becomes boring and no longer fun! Thats where you guys stuck in the friendzone come in.. Long message short.. if ur a very nice guy.. stick it out till ur 30-35 and the chicks will swarm u ready to settle down after countless heartbreaks from the rollercoaster guys
You're right to a certain extent, kingjay. My thing is, the state of affairs where we have one group of men out there who are reasonably to abundantly successful with women (Even though some of them may be treating those women badly) and another group of men who are basically being told to wait until their 30s for women to "settle down" with them is remarkably unfair, for a couple of reasons. Number 1: Spending that many years lonely and rejected can erode a person's sense of self-worth well before they hit their 30s, and number 2: If none of these women payed any attention to him throughout their 20s, why *should* he get with any of them when they decide it's time to "settle down?" To me, the whole "wait until your 30s" narrative is just an admission of defeat. At the risk of sounding crass, you're getting the leftovers, at that point. Not only that, but it's like playing on easy mode for the women. It's like saying, "Fool around all through your 20s in noncommittal relationships and then in your 30s, the guy you ignored because he wasn't your type at the time will have established himself (Having had plenty of spare time to do so, what with being unable to get a girlfriend) and you can just get with him." I say, let 'em ride the rollercoaster if they want. If these women want emotional instability that desperately, there are plenty of guys out there ready to treat them in a less than stellar fashion. I'm better than that, as are plenty of other guys out here who yes, might perhaps not be *as* good at flirting as those other guys. There are plenty of girls out there in their 20s who *aren't* obsessed with seeking emotional instability. It's all a matter of making yourself attractive to one of those girls.
While all of you have good points, I want to stress that I don't think there's a right or wrong answer in this thread. I feel that the subject is strictly opinion because every one perceives these words differently. I may not agree with another's opinion, but in our own minds, we are both right. Just will lead us down different paths
@kingjay Why can't the nice guys just provide excitement? I dont think you need to wait till you're 30 to be with a girl, thats stupid. Stop being boring, and do fun shit with a girl. You dont need to be a bad boy to show a good time.
The friendzone and nice guy bullshit is a lie. We really need to get over this as a race. Not every girl that you meet and/or is your friend needs to be a love conquest. Girls don't think like that with every guy they meet. Sure it's okay to like a friend, and/or fall for them over some interval of time BUT This does not mean they are obliged to fall for you. Your feelings are your own, and only your own. Don't assume because you are being "nice" that those feelings will be requited by default. Especially if you are playing the nice card just to reach a goal. If there is a friend that you like (like that), then when you're ready approach them about it. If reject you, get over it. People are not obliged to follow only your wishes. This whole being "nice" is an act. You might be polite, but not entirely nice. This is actually being self centered. Don't fucking flip out if someone else claims said love interest either. Your friends' love lives are their business, and entirely up to them. You have no place judging them and their partners. Once again that is having more concern for yourself than your friend. You can pull, my friend's bf/gf is a douchebag and only after her for [something], all you want. But you're just the same. All of you who believe you are in the friendzone are even worse douchebags because you believe your friends have this obligation and owe it to you to date you. You are even worse than actual douchebags because you use being polite and nice as a tool in your romantic conquest. Get over yourselves. Bottom line. Friendzone w/ "Nice Guys" does not exist. It's just a veil to hide how big of a self centered douchebag people are. You are not a nice guy if you are using that being nice just to aid you in your conquest for some person. You should be nice not for yourself, but for all life. This doesn't mean everything you want will be handed to you. You need to work for things. Sometimes you can't get things, that's life. Get over it. Move on. Accept it, and be happy. peace
I too dislike the term "friend zone". However, from my personal experience, you have to become a friend before you go any further. So those who gave up due to the "friend zone" didn't commit further.
Friend zone as a term does harm to all
The only questions you need to ask yourself is 1) Do I make money, and 2) Do I fuck bitches Answer them right and you're a boss
^^ lol darkhorse that is one way to put it. They are silly terms but became memes for a reason.
I have.only the wise words of my uncle to contribute to this thread. "Be lumberjack lil nigga and chop em all down."- Uncle Junior 2011
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