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The " Nice guy" and "Friendzone"

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Because they basically do everything to make a girl happy hoping she would pick him to be her lover, thats why they are nice cause they do everything to make them happy (at least thats how i see it) most of the time they end up getting friendzoned for some guy who isnt as nice
That's because there's nice, then there is desperate
Heads up girls get friendzoned too. I can't tell you how many times I met a nice guy, we got along great and he was so awesome. But everytime I got friendzoned. One of which I got friendzoned turned out gay and dates guys with my personality. I poke fun at him for that. I am still friends with them, well most of them if they haven't forgotten about me and ran off somewhere with a size two model girl who I can't believe exists everytime I find a nice guy.
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Yes there is a nice-girl. If there is a nice-guy there is a nice-girl.
I swear I have to deal with this all the time (Not so much the friendzone part as I have no idea what to think about that but more to do with the nice guy part). It's just strange really, I'm considered a nice guy by all of my female friends for multiple reasons - I was even told once that I was "perfect boyfriend material" but every day I am having a very hard time in actually believing my friend who said that. I'm quite social most of the time and I can take a conversation somewhere when talking to a girl and back when I was in school getting a girlfriend for me was pretty easy but now ever since I left school (When I was 17) it's become extremely difficult for some unknown, inexplicable reason. Pretty much all girls with similar interests as me are either flat-out not interested or are already taken (I'm not joking, almost every single girl I have some sort of crush on is taken - maybe jealousy is something to do with it) despite the fact that most of them tell me that I'm sweet, kind and any girl would be happy to have me and I don't know whether to be happy and thankful for that acknowledgement or upset whenever people tell me that without any substantial evidence to prove their point (It almost feels like it's just rubbing salt in the wound even if it's not their intention and I do appreciate the gesture but it bothers me still) because nothing ever seems to go the way I want it to. It's extremely disheartening really, it makes me think I'm one of those forever alone people hell even my family and friends make fun of me being forever alone (Obviously not as an insult, it's just them trying to cheer me up, to ensure me it's not such a bad thing) and sure I just laugh along and have a bit of fun to make some sort of light out of the situation but it's always something that brings me down each and every time when someone or something is constantly reminding me just how bad I get it compared to so many others. I try to stay happy, positive and casual even in the face of constant disappointment and rejection but it really has gotten to that point where I feel like there really is nobody else out there for me - either my qualities (If there are any) really are that unappealing or if I'm just having a constant stroke of bad luck that just never seems to fucking end. I guess that's one of the reasons I joined MaiOtaku, I never expected once to find someone quickly but when I see people having no issues with relationships and what-not when I'm constantly struggling (I've seen people in long arse relationships or even married at the same age or even younger than I am - which makes me feel even worse about my situation) - it's always disheartening being the lonely guy in the corner that nobody seems to pay attention to. Even a simple hug would make me feel better but I don't even get that. Do I believe people owe me for trying my best and being kind to them? Not at all - that really isn't how life works and people should always be well aware of that - I'm just stumped on how things are going so poorly for me. I mostly said all of this as a means of venting frustration because there's nowhere else I'll be able to do it but it feels nice to finally get that out of the way. Sorry about this, I just have my moments when things get depressing for me ^^"
My problem with the "friend zone" is that no, girls didn't friendzone you guys. You were always a friend. You girlfriendzoned us first.
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That is slightly interesting. Despite the physical effort I go through at my job (depending on the day, sometimes I handle up to 6,000 lbs) some women have found it an issue that I have a fused lower back and the limitations that comes with the condition. I do agree that this "friendzone" can apply to anyone, but I also find many people to be shallow.
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