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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @dootdaroo
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TE Anubis
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @dootdaroo
I had a good day xD. wbu?
and do you have any advice on where to buy good cosplay? or do you hand make your own *`*)

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @dootdaroo
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TE Anubis
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @dootdaroo
dude your cosplay is lit

oof @jvc556
left a comment for
TE Anubis
oof @jvc556
Always good to see another airsofter here!
Motivational thread!

TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
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Motivational thread!
TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
"He doesn’t choose to stagnate or compromise, however. He chooses to move forward with the people who believe in him. He realizes that negativity will only hold him back, and that every time he’s knocked down, it’s just another chance to rise up and show everyone.
Give things your all, move forward, and the people who aren’t on-board with you can stay behind."
What anime encouraged you to do something?

TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
commented on
What anime encouraged you to do something?
TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
Macross Plus encouraged me to start working toward getting my pilot's license.
Press. Jul 9-12
Panelist. Mar 25-27
Press. Jul 7-10
Panelist. Mar 31-Apr 2