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What do you Want & Don't Want from your Marriage Life?

@Hyera http://new4.fjcdn.com/comments/Without+a+doubt+geckosandcheerios+rip+_606a47c0df36eec926182892cd255381.jpg
I still don't understand why many peoples want to being in a serious relationship without marriage goals?
Well, some people would rather not get married. But if they do get married or plan on it, especially with a partner that wishes the same, then yes, it is something to think about.
In my case, I was already married. She cheated, we ended. I invested a lot in that relationship and now I just decided relationships aren't for me :P That doesn't mean I won't ever love someone again or get married again.. I am just not thinking or worried about it.
Hyera, marriage is a very very bad idea for men. The cons far outweigh the pros. There's not even much of a point to marriage anymore anyway, it's a legal contract that's all. marriage isn't sacred anymore and vows are meaningless, the divorce rates in this country are proof of that. If two people really love each other they shouldn't need some paperwork to prove it, having each other should be all they need.
@Mikorin - I can understand that. The one I almost married did not cheat but the betrayal was just as deep. Even though it did not succeed it was a very important relationship and I grew up a lot from it. After it was over I decided to live my life as a free man.
@neet actually marriage was originally an economic institution. In the west thousand of years ago and in other countries today, men would "sell" their daughters to other men and those men would "take care of them" in exchange that the woman would bring babies. This is back when men owned their wives but in some countries, still do today. So when was it sacred?
Hyera - As Rina mentioned marriage is a created thing. Institutions want to cheapen spiritual bonds to paper for many reasons. My neighbors did not get married until they had a reason to and did it for their 30th(now ~40th) anniversary. They are retired but still the cutest couple.
you know everything in this world has been created to get money
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