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What do you Want & Don't Want from your Marriage Life?

@Mikorin Wow, lol. XD Sounds like a party.
Memorial portraits, or post-mortem photography, started in the mid-1800's with the advent of photography making portraiture less expensive than a painted portrait. Memorial portraits fell out of vogue after portable cameras made photography easier and less expensive, making it easier to have photos of family members before their death. The practice has seen a resurgence more recently, although this is normally with the deceased in the casket. There is also an organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep that provides 'remembrance photos' for the parents of dead infants.
Kohagura, It would be a party! You're invited! ^_^ Man to have a funeral like that would be awesome. I would hate to have one of those boring funerals where everyone has to worry about what they're wearing or doing. I'd just want everyone to have fun!
We could make it like Weekend at Bernie's! XD
Hmm...let me see... -Forever together? That is ideal. Considering "together forever" means till we both die, then yeah. If one of us were to die first, I think we would have a long discussion before that happens and see what we want like if would consider to remarry or even date. -Wanna make cute babies? How many do you want? or...dont want to have a kids? I would like to have babies. I love kids and have always had a maternal quality. Once I am done with school and have a constant source of income for a few years, if I am also married, I would love to try for kids. Edit: I would like 2 kids cuz I have 3 other siblings and it is too much with the 4 of us but siblings can be good for a kid. So maybe 2. -What about Career & Time management? Ideally, I would like me and my partner to both work while married. And to save up and prepare before having kids. I am in school for fine art, trying to put together a portfolio and a resume to be in galleries, but I also I plan on taking part in illustration and medical illustration in graduate school and go for agencies that hire and commission these skilled workers. -How will you manage family's financial? Again, both of us to work, and full time at that. But I hope to have a more flexible schedule and work at home or a studio (in home). I don't want to waste money on things that are unnecessary like going out to eat too many times a week, not spend money on cable or satellite (there is now the internet and things like chrome cast, hulu, netflix; all much cheaper than t.v. provider); my family knows how to live without needing much and be economically sound but we still struggle so I don't want to live paycheck by paycheck but actually have savings and a budget. -Is that important to have a short-term and long-term plan for our marriage life? I think for anything, aiming for short term goals and long-term goals are best. Such as, preparing for kids, kid's college, paying off debt, going on vacation, etc. I would like to try to live comfortably but also live simple. -Do you think divorce is the best solution to solve any big problem? Will you try your best to save your marriage? I would do anything to save a relationship that is worth saving. But if my partner doesn't want to deal with me, I can't make them change their mind.
To be with someone I want to be with and who wants to be with me. Divorce and infidelity.
@Mikorin I know how you feel, it is pretty gloomy at funerals. >.< And I know for kids, particularly ones who weren't really close to or dependent on you, it'd be extremely boring for them. Same for weddings, which was why my aunt's wedding was at a zoo, it was actually fun compared to the other weddings I'd been to, and she did want it to be fun for the kids most of all. XD
OMG that sounds awesome Kohagura! A wedding at a zoo! If I ever get married again, I will make sure it's something awesome like that @Vampire_neko You better be at my funeral to take pics ^_^ I'll try to leave you an awesome camera as a thank you!
@rina :O http://fc08.deviantart.net/images3/i/2004/130/7/8/Thumbs_Up__Another_Yami_Pic.jpg
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