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What do you Want & Don't Want from your Marriage Life?

Around the 1800's early 1900s I'd say Rina. It was something of a holy union under the church. I'm not a religious person but I think it was a nice concept while it lasted, but then money and legality forced it's way in again. Used to be men owned their wives, now women own their husbands. hooray for progress. Call me naive but I'd like to think there was once a time when people got married because they loved each other. Now couples get hitched not out of love but because of government aid, programs, and tax breaks. There's those who get married only for citizenship, and women push men into marriage to drain their bank accounts.
Lol I still think women get better stuff out of today's everything I mean this divorce settlements favors the women at least 80% if not More and all they have to do is overlook the cheating until they get in those ten years and then bam no more work because compensation for being marry lol
@neet I still believe that people are able to still marry for love. But marriage doesn't just take love but also work. Work that people don't have time, but not because they lazy or stopped loving each other. Yes, people do all those things but not everyone does that. People do and can marry for love. It takes work, that is all. It isn't just " I love you so much and everything will work out." My parents divorced because my parents argued a lot. My mom was making a whole lot of money as a nurse while my dad was laid off a lot. It had nothing to do with my mom wanting to drain his bank account cuz he was poor in the beginning. They were both actually. And we still are. But now, they can make financial situations independently and don't blame each other that often and they are more sane. I still believe they love each other and care for each other well being. (Okay, my dad can be a bit spiteful). They just can't live with each other. But really, I am not sure that it is that black and white that people today only marry for all the "wrong reasons"/not love. Even back in the early 1900's, 14 year olds could get married to 20 year old me and that was through family arrangements. So I am not sure it is restricted through those times either.
yes, why are women so evil.
So, for a guys marriage is not important thing in relationship? And is that true, guys dont really care about marriage life?
Lol to be honest with the way the system is now even if the woman makes more money the guy can loose a lot more And that's not me just going off on women and such but life now so marriage is scary for me at least. That girl has to have something no other girl has and loyalty is a must
@Hyera It seems that guys a tricked into marriage and don't know how to get out of it? I better ask fromtheashes on our wedding day: "Are you sure you wanna get married? It isn't too late."
@wallace wait, when you say system, which do you mean?
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