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What do you Want & Don't Want from your Marriage Life?

@Wallace So it's the same as the United States as it is in Mexico?
Oh well in México there's a lot of corruption and the law is not thoroughly follow but yes similar
Ah I see. Just checking with that.
Yup but now it's USA for me so I'm super scare of marriage since a lot fail
Well, why are you afraid of marriage? You don't have to get married. Just a neet said, two people don't have to get married and still love each other and their love should be enough. A lot of people just don't understand the concept of marriage. My great great aunt was married at 20 to a 40 year old, not out of love at all but as an arranged marriage. That was just how they did it. My family lived in Mexico at the time so I am sure you understand that. Teenagers got married to their baby daddy during that time to the 1960 because the family didn't want that kind of shame brought to them nor the daughter. Still happens today but usually, not right away and not out of shame from the family. That is why they divorced. Because just cuz you have sex with someone, especially at a young age, doesn't mean you even loved them in the first place. More people divorce today because they law has changed since the 70s.
Hahaha, adopting a vampire. I think that's a risky proposal :) https://33.media.tumblr.com/4749f7050ac150e3ddc471dfbf759958/tumblr_mifzhayB251rikjd2o1_500.gif
I know I don't have to but I feel that loving someone could be enough but then again by getting marry it makes it even more special.
@Wallace than I really do hope you can find that someone you can whole-heartedly trust with your own heart.
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