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Would you even EVER consider dating someone with a disability? Why or why Not? :) Radical Honesty, don't be afraid to "hurt" my

I have a disability, I am fairly open about it all too. I have no shame in it, I dont try to hide it from anyone even if they are not-so-nice about it. I love myself, I am not THAT insecure anymore. I know that there is someone out there for me, but..I am curious lol would you personally date someone with an disability like Autism or Dyspraxia? Why or why not? Regardless of the answers, I am still be going to be dancing around my house all silly LOL dont worry, you cant hurt my feelings... :)
There was a girl I kinda liked once who had Autism and I honestly couldn't really notice it. Yeah stuff like that isn't a big deal to me.
I don't know to be honest. It'd probably be a massive downer for me. I supposed it'd depend on how extreme it is or if I could get used to it. The other day while I was having a walk with my aunt, an old woman suddenly rushed out of her home and lied down in the middle of the street. She almost got ran over. The husband rushed out once he realized what was happening and took care of the rest and that was it; but to be honest, it really got to me. For how lazy and how much I like to complain, I thank God everyday for being perfectly healthy. I don't know how I could live with it myself or with someone that has such an illness.
It is hard for me to say if I would date someone with a disability when disabilities come in all shapes and sizes. Teachers in middle school called me "emotional disabled" because I had sever depression and felt like I couldn't function in daily life, even with medication and therapy. I am currently in remission for depression but my anxiety disorder is getting worst. I guess I've "dated" someone who had a bipolar disorder when I was 14-16. It was emotionally strenuous because even through we didn't see each other at all for certain points, he or his mom would call me out of the blue to say he was gonna kill himself, he was gonna kill someone else, and then he break up with me after speaking to me. I was only a teenager at the time and it kind of made my own depression worst with my spiraling-down thinking so it was unhealthy for me at the time. I don't know though if I would date someone who had bipolar so much, they were admitted to psychiatric care for weeks at a time and did that at a regular basis today. I believe right now he is on disability for his bipolar but does try to continue his GED (even though he has been for like 5 years) and does work occasionally. But mood disorders aren't a deal breaker, I just need to be...emotionally ready depending on the degree? Physical disabilities, I wouldn't see much of a problem either. I would just need to read up on them more specifically. Because I don't have a physical disability, I don't know what it is like to have one. But it wouldn't put on a damper of the relationship, I believe. Same thing with other disorders like ADHD, ADD, Autism, etc. it may depend on some sort of degree though as well as the person I meet but honestly, I am fascinated about people with these types of disorders and their thinking. I don't mean to romanticism but some interesting and creative things come out their heads, from the ones I have talked to. My 17-year-older brother wasn't diagnosed with Broad Spectrum Autism till he was 12 (unusual, I know.) Almost 2 years ago, my 8 going on 9-year-old brother was diagnosed was ADHD but his is well managed with medication and healthy habits like going to bed at a good time. over all, again, it isn't a deal breaker.
It depends on the disability, like Key said. I'll have to be selfish here and say that if it's to an extreme disability, then it's a no. I'm talking about mental disability here, physical disabilities such as a broken arm or an amputee wouldn't affect much. Saying you have a disability is a very nice point of view because you recognize and and might be on the verge of stopping it. It's all a mental game after all haha, good luck with that, and you're a brave man.
I've actually had sex with a girl that had some kind of mental disability. I met her at college and the conversation was good but she was a little off latter she did say she had a disability. I still hit that two more times so to answer the question if the girl is cute or super fine and on board with it but she has some kind of disability I'm still going for the kill
@Rina I do feel like the word disability is being overused lately. Like when my grandma forced me to go see a psychologist and they told us I had some kind social disability thingy (don't even remember the name) just because they feared I had a double personality. Apparently I'm antisocial, but not antipathetical and yada yada yada...
@Key/Lock it is used a lot, for sure, but a disability describes disorders that make it impossible or hard for you to function "appropriately in society." So anything that society sees as different will be labeled sick. At least it is better than being criminals. (edit: i know that was a thing in the US) But yeah, I get you. I was so shocked when my middle school wanted me to do special ed classes in high school cuz I was all like, "I am an A/B student?? I can do my work just fine??" Nothing wrong with having to take special ed classes but that also meant I couldn't go to my dream high school (they said they would revoke the letter or rec the school sent to the high school). Yeah, society has a problem with anti-social people.
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