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Would you even EVER consider dating someone with a disability? Why or why Not? :) Radical Honesty, don't be afraid to "hurt" my

I have never played but here: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/res/sd-chars.png http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ My friends keep buggin' me to play. Kinda fits in into this discussion.
Speaking of which, Yuusaku, has your eye been caught by "Yuki Yuna is a Hero"? http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/129170106f436c0b3858d5c29f4edffd1411664675_full.jpg cuz http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/yuyuyu/images/2/21/Togo_Mimori_normal_mode.png/revision/latest?cb=20141206020658 omg the representation of a physically disabled girl is anime is what grabbed me I've only seen the first episode and it was so good. I need to watch more. Idk if it will be the same though. Need to watch more. I was crying happiness and job
Well, I have autism and I can function as everyone else. But it is rare to see anyone that has a disability in Utah that graduated high school and it was sad to see all my friends that also have disabilities didn't make it to graduation and get a high school diploma, but only me. :( I think people can date people with disabilities, but I some people only look at others with disabilities like a front cover of a book. They won't try knowing you, because they only judges you on what they see and puts you back on the book shelf. I say, prove them that they're wrong. ^u^
@Captain Fanciestcosplayer I agree. Some people are just scared or uneducated about disabilities, and assume it means we all have down syndrome to the point we can't think properly. You just have to prove to them that you are high functioning, and they'll probably treat you like anyone else. I do still think it's important to treat low functioning people with respect too, but don't know if a relationship would be possible with them, if they cannot really handle/care for it. I remember one girl I worked with had down syndrome, and she had a really good personality though. A bit childish, but very good sense of humor that always cheered me up.
I have dated and good pals with female and males that have disabilities. I have dated someone be for who could not walked also dated someone who is blind. You just treat them like a normal person and yes a lot of people with disabilities are very independent and can do a lot of stuff for them self.
Hmm physical disabilities you can deal with if you care for the person and are very patient. (Grandparents with diabetes ... not pretty at the end stages with altzeimers and such) Mental ones ... its harder to look through the exterior unless you have had exposure to it before or have/do suffer from some mental illness yourself. Most people fear what they do not know thus they pity/make fun off/distance themselves from said individuals in order to avoid doing the wrong thing instead of getting to know them. Sometimes some people suffering these ilnesses are highly functional, but when their partners find out later they feel betrayed and don't know how to handle the situation. All and all ... it all depends, just like with any relationship ... just be sure that you can live with your choices if/when times get rough.
It would largely depend on what the situation is and their attitude about it. It would also depend on how much it limited them from doing things.
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