Apocalypse just happened.

applecaeks @applecaeks
Apocalypse just happened.
applecaeks @applecaeks
(Insert world ending scenario of your choice here.) Shit the fan, world is ending as you know it. How many days would you survive? Would you try to help others or become a bandit?
I'd prolly live for bout a week. I'm way too trusting of strangers, they'd loot all my stuff. :<

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Apocalypse just happened.
Manga_bird @manga_bird
I'd say the armies of coffee, tea and pizza collided in a caffeine-cheese explosion.
Given that I am the commander of the TTA, I expect I'd die in battle or be executed, however if I did by some miracle escape I'm not sure how long I'd survive; I'm not the strongest individual haha If I avoided people and managed to forage food and water I'd be ok for a while I guess.

Key @key17
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Apocalypse just happened.
Key @key17
As the Coffee nation's leader, my first order of business would to put my people to safety. No matter who wins a war, they cannot be prosperous without the people's support to back it up.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Apocalypse just happened.
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Likely the world is going to go ape shit and tear the system down. I would survive a while I think. I have a very wide skill set and independent nature but have good negotiation skills too. I also would fight if I had to. I would find and save people if they wanted to survive instead of give up and die.
Manga, in your scenario no worries, when my armies of havoc tear the place apart you would be spared and free as there is no world worth living in without beautiful women.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Apocalypse just happened.
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Depends on what type of armageddon happens. Zombie? Let's see I have a katanna, a greatsword, my father's knife collection and a gun, Plus as a military man, he always tries to keep the house with at least 6months worth of food in the house, added to the fact he's retired special forces and still around when it happens, He'll just have to teach me a few stuff earlier then he intended. Plus unlike most people in a zombie world, I have common sense, So I believe I can survive until old age or If I give myself up for the team.
Nuclear-, If I'm not killed instantly or by radiation poisoning. Then the only difference is we'll be getting the guns first before extra food. We can barricade the house pretty quickly with all of us, and just hunker down until order happens. If people need help, then we'll let them in, Though they'd have to follow our rules and help with getting more food, And as there are two incredibly light sleepers in the family(Literally the sound of my doorknob barely creaking will wake me) I doubt they'll get away with betraying us. If we are attacked or someone wants to forcefully take something from us, We'll kill them, Or I won't without hesitation. I've been taught to protect my family and to kill if ever attacked since I was 4, So that wouldn't be tough, Mentally at least.
Natural Disaster- Basically the same as nuclear.
Government Collapse- Basically the same as above.
So yeah, I'd try too overall just survive, Help anyone along the way if I need too and kill anyone that would threaten my own groups life.

Arc @arc
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Apocalypse just happened.
Arc @arc
I would try to help others as much as I can if it was a quick, sudden natural desaster.
If it was a massive disaster that destroys society as we know it I would devote myself to rebuilding society, and eliminate anybody who impedes the reformation of this new society.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Apocalypse just happened.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
If there was to be a wasteland apocalypse i would trust no one, people have been known to stab you in the back when it comes to survival i would live as a loner (or go at it with people i absolutely trust) i would find shelter after stocking up on weapons and set a schedule for the time we will watch the perimeter
Zombie apocalypse is a little different, being alone doesnt benefit you most of the time. You may not have to split rations with other people but you still risk being atacked by either zombies or bandits with no chance of fighting back. after i have my group i will find weapons, set up base and have people fron the group volunteer to be the scouts and go out in search of food, more weapons, and survivors
Nuclear apocalypse its almost like the wasteland except there is a greater chance of cannibals (im assuming livestock, and crops become inedible when in contact with radiation) in this situation i would go with 1 or 2 people no more no less, find a base in an area with little to no radiation, secure the building, set up a farm of some sort and try my best to survive

Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
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Apocalypse just happened.
Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
well for zombies- the first thing I do, is probably get myself armed up, stock up essentials and get to safe place. maybe also contact friends/family to team up.

lil_majin_master @lil_majin_master
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Apocalypse just happened.
lil_majin_master @lil_majin_master
i think i would last quiet a while for these reasons
1: my house is made of concrete and capable of withstanding an f5 tornado
2: there are 3 hand guns 4 shotguns 2 rifles and one semi auto rifle in my house
3: there are a total of 8 cow farms with in bike riding range
4: i live literally one mile from a firestation and finally
5: the ground where i life is capable of growing good suple vegitation including bamboo
so yeah ill be good

neeto @neet_one
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Apocalypse just happened.
neeto @neet_one
I'd survive as many days as I could. Currently I'm not in a very good location though, so it'd be hard. Helping others wouldn't be a very good idea in this type of area, I'd probably have to turn bandit. Trusting people is out of the question. I'd fortify my home, set up traps around me, stockpile as many supplies as I can, and stay at the ready to defend myself at all times.
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