yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
That shirt is so cute! :D
post sexy pics of yourself

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
post sexy pics of yourself
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Props to my mom who got it for me randomly one day! I love this shirt too ^^.

yuuzora @yuuzora Nice find. Do you know where she found it?

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I want to go with Walmart or TJ-Maxx. I think it was one of those two stores.

yuuzora @yuuzora Oh patotes. I definitely have to look into it. Kawaii stuff is my weakness. lol

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I feel ya on that, Yuu-Chan XD. I see cute things and I just want to grab it up as quickly as possible.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Happy beginning of Lunar New Year everyone! I'll be making plans to make mooncakes this year, but I haven't decided on a filling yet! My sister doesn't like azuki paste, so maybe lemon cream or custard? Hmmm

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Yay! Another Bananya lover! It's so cute! :D
Last one to post here wins

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I love Bananya! My second eldest brother says that I 'forced' him to watch it with me, but I didn't, I think he actually secretly liked it because he kept playing the next episode after one ended sksksk.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'm so glad that you enjoy it too! It was such a simple but adorable show.

yuuzora @yuuzora Right? There's something about a bunch of silly banana kitties that warms my heart. And the Japanese is simple enough I don't need subs to understand it. Though hearing the random Bananya names can confuse me a little if I'm only half listening. lol Do you have a favorite Bananya? I think I enjoyed Metal Bananya's design. Though if I ever cosplay as a Bananya kitty, Elizabeth Bananya would have to be it. lol

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't think I had a favorite honestly. They were all so cute and I would probably try cosplaying all of them at least once XD.

yuuzora @yuuzora That's fair. It really is hard to choose. Papa Bananya would be a lot of fun to do. I am sure I have Japanese newspaper laying around somewhere. lol

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying That would be hilarious XD. Especially if you can get a wig that has certain bald spots like Papa would have.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Yet ANOTHER reminder to you lurkers in the forums, I don't accept friend requests to people who haven't even said hi!!! I've gotten a lot of them lately and it's beginning to get irritating.

johnrodge120393 @johnrodge120393
left a comment for
johnrodge120393 @johnrodge120393
This account has been suspended.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Do I have to post things daily to remind people I don't accept friend requests from someone who has not introduced themselves in anyway? If you want me to friend you, literally just talk to me. I'll even respond to 'hi's. It's just a matter of decorum at this point. :/

Ghost @kuharido A lot of people don't read profiles. I read profiles a lot, sometimes I reread them if I enjoy them.

Veru @verucassault I just scrubbed mine. Enjoy the lyrics 8D

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Sadly I have not been to Japan, but I'm part Japanese, thus why I own a few kimono. Though the picture on my pf currently is a Chinese dress called Hanfu(from the Wei-ji era). :) Have you ever been to Japan before?

mkogan1 @mkogan1
left a comment for
mkogan1 @mkogan1
Hey! Love the kimono photo. Did you travel to Japan?

mkogan1 @mkogan1
left a comment for
mkogan1 @mkogan1
Hey! Love the kimono photo. Did you travel to Japan?

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Just another friendly reminder, I don't accept friend requests from people who don't even introduce themselves or interact with me first. Thanks.

Aka-san @redhawk Thats a good policy to have on here. I feel like more people should have something like that, to avoid weirdos on the site.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Sorry for being afk. Aside from the holidays I've actually been quite sick. Feeling better now, so I'm getting caught up with work. What has everyone been up to these last few days?

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985 Me and my mother also feeling very weak lately.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'm glad to hear you are feeling way better now, Yuu-Chan, it must've been sick season as my family (all except one) were unwell a few days ago too. Me and my family have just been chillin', getting ready for the New Year, how has work been going?

yuuzora @yuuzora @meisterman1985 Sorry to hear that you were unwell also. What were/are your symptoms?
@HollyMommy Yeah, my bestie's whole family and my mother got sick as well. I was courteous enough to mask up and quarantine the best I could, but mother dearest couldn't even be bothered to cover her cough, so I'm hoping my step father and oldest sister don't get it as well. So far they're good though. What were your family's symptoms? I had fever, chills, body ache, and a nasty cough which I still have.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh no! That sounds like horrible symptoms, I hope no one else gets sick either. And my family just felt really congested, bad coughs, headaches (in our mom's case), body aches (in our mom's case again), runny/stuffy nose and personally I had heat flashes as my body fought off a fever (which I ended up not getting thankfully). But luckily we weren't sick for too long as our bodies really were working overtime to get rid of pathogens.