yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
My bestie took the picture on Christmas. FF soundtracks are awesome. Nobuo Uematsu would have to be one of my favorite composers from this century... or is it last century now? You must have a lot more skill than you're telling because those pieces have some big chords! How long have you been playing piano?

Makoto @night
Makoto @night
Nice to meet you! I can't sing to save my own life but I enjoy casually playing piano music to my favorite video game soundtracks (e.g. Final Fantasy). Some of the tunes do have classical vibes as they were produced by a very skilled composer.
Love the profile pic! Was it taken recently during the spring season?

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Hello. Nice to meet you.
I tend toward Irish folk and classical music since my voice is rather soft and quiet, though I do also love Okinawan folk music, too, I don't have the vocal flexibility for that vibrato yet. Do you play or sing any music?

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
Hi Yuuzora. What are your favorite types of music to compose and sing? :)

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
Hi Yuuzora. What are your favorite types of music to compose and sing? :)

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Oh. Someone who actually read it. Thanks. I'll accept your request now. How are you feeling lately?

mico_da_guy_yo @mico_da_guy_yo
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mico_da_guy_yo @mico_da_guy_yo
I never felt more the same kind of way in your about me so decided to say hi. Lol don’t really do this ever but felt I should just shake it off and go for it. How’s it going?

mico_da_guy_yo @mico_da_guy_yo
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mico_da_guy_yo @mico_da_guy_yo
I never felt more the same kind of way in your about me so decided to say hi. Lol don’t really do this ever but felt I should just shake it off and go for it. How’s it going?

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Uwa! Well then. That's awesome. What sort of projects have you worked on?

baddy @baddy
baddy @baddy
I actually am quite familiar with it, I am a graphics designer professionally. ^^

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Awesome. Color theory is one of my favorite parts, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it, too. I'm excited to see what you'll discover. :D

baddy @baddy
baddy @baddy
I'll color digitally.
Don't really like using colored pencils all that much.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Your strokes are becoming more confident. Can't wait to see what you do when you get inking. Are you planning on moving onto color at all or sticking to pencil?
Post ur art my dudes.

baddy @baddy
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
baddy @baddy

Only did a bit of doodling today.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I appreciate that, and I will for sure. I know a few people on here love a good sea chanty. lol
Questions for Musicians

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Questions for Musicians
yaasshat @yaasshat
I absolutely love the hurdy gurdy, however, with your background((And shoulder), the first one(Guzheng) would probably be a more natural transition. Either way, grace us with a musical update whenever you decide. :)

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
The Hurdy Gurdy won the instrument vote by one. I counted votes from Discord, MO, Quotev, and Twitter. Here's how I plan to go about it: