yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I suck at backgrounds too. That's why I've really been working on them. Especially 1 point perspective. What program are you using? I might be able to give a few useful tools.
Post ur art my dudes.

PastoEsto @eastopesto
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
PastoEsto @eastopesto
Another one I did and really love, can you guys do backgrounds at all? I suck at them so much

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora

If anyone wants to give feedback, I have a poll on my Tweeter I could use some help with:
I'd prefer a stringed instrument, since it suits my voice more, but we'll see what ye all say. FYI This is a guzheng and a hurdy gurdy:

Veru @verucassault I love hurdy gurdies

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Very cute. I like drawing kawaii aesthetics like cats and cute dresses. :)
Post ur art my dudes.

PastoEsto @eastopesto
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
PastoEsto @eastopesto
I love drawing outfits and making up clothes so much.. same with hair
What do you guys like drawing the most?

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Looks great. I like the outline of the hair.
Post ur art my dudes.

Sobo275 @sobo275
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
Sobo275 @sobo275

It's been a year or two since i picked up a pen, but here's something I just finished working on!

Sobo275 @sobo275 Thank you very much!

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
It's so cute!
Post ur art my dudes.

georfeyboi @georfeyboi
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
georfeyboi @georfeyboi

Legit the last thing I ever drew from around 6 years ago

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Oki. I'll try that. Thanks mate.
Post ur art my dudes.

baddy @baddy
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
baddy @baddy
Doesn't work.
I resorted to uploading to imgur and dropping a link in here.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
They look so good. I'm very glad you're happy with your work, too! All too many of us have Imposter Syndrome. We don't need another to be claimed.
Post ur art my dudes.

baddy @baddy
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
baddy @baddy

Also recently printed my drawings.
Hits different holding them in hand.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Ooo, I would love to have 3d models. Alas I'm using the free Krita. For animation I've been trying to learn via Moho, but it's such a frustrating thing I just.... I rage quit like six different times for one single aspect. At least with hands you'll have your reference on hand at all times(I'm only a little sorry for that pun)

PastoEsto @eastopesto
PastoEsto @eastopesto
Hands are my eternal struggle, but I'm really bad with legs too. I can never figure out the shape I want things to be. CSP has 3D models I'll lightly trace sometimes just for hands or leg shapes for tricky poses. I really suck with backgrounds too.
Generally I really love drawing clothes and hair, they're my faves.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Hn. Likewise. I take a bit too much from my references, but I've gotten better about it lately. Part of it is my wrist is bad now(years of construction work) so any bid to save myself time, I use it. I admit I've traced from time to time, depending how hard a pose is to configure. Mainly around the hip structure. For some reason my brain does not compute the pelvis and femur with the muscle structures. Anything particular you struggle with?

PastoEsto @eastopesto
PastoEsto @eastopesto
I bought my tablet like 2.5 years ago at this point. I usually reference other art for poses or drawing style ideas, took the idea of not using anti aliasing and proportions i generally try to shoot for from artists I really love. I’m not really interested in animation since I draw very slow so it would be a nightmare for me, lol.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Nice! I have an XPPen too. I saved up and got the fancy 22 pro. It's been going four years strong so far. How long have you had yours? I taught myself from books like Leonardo da Vinci's codexes, so I never know if that's self-taught or not. Either way, I never took formal classes for it. Seriously the undo button is saving grace, to the point traditional art feels so alien now. Do you focus around human figures or have you ventured out into other realms? Have you tried animation yet?

PastoEsto @eastopesto
PastoEsto @eastopesto
I use a XPPen digital tablet.
I’m entirely self taught, going off of advice and feedback from my friends. I didn’t really do any art before I bought the tablet. I have a pretty shaky hand so traditional is tricky for me. I need that undo button LOL.