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35 year old Female
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Nov 27, 23 at 6:25pm
In a sandstorm even p100 won't necessarily save you. You'll also truly get sand EVERYWHERE. As for Innuit throat singing, it isn't for everyone, but it's meant to mimic the natural surroundings that remind the Innuit of home and connect with the earth spirit. Here's a sample if you want one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWN36wBKFBM There are hundreds of kinds of throat singing throughout the world, even Japanese and Irish. In Irish it's called Séo Nós, in Japanese it's 演歌Kobushi or Enka. Though there is also rekuhkara which is an Ainu throat singing. Basically throat singing is one of the most amazing things that connects every native people on the planet.
1. (I want both) If I had to choose one...red I think? 2. Throat singing, I love it! Although it's also because I've never heard of Innuit 3. That's a tough one, but I'll choose horseback 4. Either one I guess? I've actually never shoveled snow before because I get very cold easily 5. Let's go for the sandstorm to experience that XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I guess I'll become a walking sand castle then? XD And throat singing is so fun! I giggle at it cause it sounds a bit silly to me at times, but not in a mean spirited way, I love the way it sounds in the end though. It sounds so fun to do
yuuzora @yuuzora Hnhn. It isn't meant to be taken too seriously. It's the connection to mother earth, and mother earth has a sense of humor. :)
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I sometimes try and sound like I'm throat singing XD. My dad has Native Americans in his blood line so I guess I'd be tapping into my roots by doing so
yuuzora @yuuzora Every continent with an arctic cap has throat singing, so Europe, Asia, and North America are all from one people that were the very first to travel from the birthplace of humanity in Africa. We're all one people.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah! That just reminds me of those kinds of people (especially back then) that were obsessed with "pure blooded" people. Me and my twin were telling each other that we don't believe that anyone on this earth is purely one ethnicity of person lol
yuuzora @yuuzora I would have to go all the way back through my archives, but about 20 years ago there was a study that tracked down the blonde hair gene that managed to link all humans to being .0009% genetically related to each other as of the writing of that study. And not even pure bred homosapiens, either. We don't know about Deniisovan homonids, but people predominantly with European genetics also have Neanderthalis dna. :)
Nov 27, 23 at 6:07pm
OMG Yes!!! The Hu are amazing! <3
Nov 27, 23 at 2:05am
1. Red or green? --- Red 2. Mongolian throat singing or Innuit? --- MONGOLIAN https://youtu.be/6WlI24rv__g?si=bjMpwVJCGzO-49Ik 3. Horseback or Horse-drawn carriage? --- Horse drawn carriage. Makes me feel fancy 4. Shoveling snow off driveway or car? --- I don't know what it's like to shovel snow. It doesn't snow here 5. Sand storm or snow storm? --- I know what a sand storm feels like. I'll take anything over sand storm
Nov 24, 23 at 4:30pm
Guessing no one at Netflix has any kids.
Nov 24, 23 at 6:20am
Nov 24, 23 at 4:24pm
Depends on the ailment, but it's certainly a part of it.
1. No, our mom has a way she likes to do it. But she just enjoys when her family wants to come along 2. No, not yet 3. Yes. With my friends and twin when we were all younger and wanting to play...we only lasted five minutes in the storm XD 4. Clean the wound, apply an ointment and add a bandaid or sleep it off. Is that not first aid? 5. No
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I know first aid!!! XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Yus. It's something that should be taught to everyone.
Nov 21, 23 at 3:09pm
Anyone who wouldn't be looking for their furry baby first belongs in hell.
Nov 20, 23 at 9:40pm
I need a plot for a manga about a kitten and a puppy... One is named Misdreavus and the other is Emma.
Nov 20, 23 at 9:34pm
I can feel Jiro Ono crying from here. 気持ち悪いだろう。
Rain @rainx commented on Food Porn!
Nov 20, 23 at 5:05am
Nov 20, 23 at 9:30pm
This is one of my favorites. Soooo cute!
Yuka @yukachan I've never seen it before but I want to
yuuzora @yuuzora It's very slice of life, so if you like slice of life romance shoujo, you'll like it. I haven't heard in English, so I don't know how it is if you're only able to deal with dub. The Japanese he's kinda hard to understand because he speaks a weird dialect I couldn't pinpoint where from, but it isn't Oosaka-ben that I could tell.
Nov 19, 23 at 6:49pm
Sitting like a potato usually entails being exceptionally lazy and then your back hurts after. lol
1. How does one sit like a potato? 2. I don't know. I don't pay attention 3. Sometimes I do 4. Yes, I'm still a Christian to this day (my choice) 5. Who's that? But I think you are very much baby if that's what you are asking? XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh! Well in that case, most definitely XD
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeye. Poteto are we. lolol
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying We'll potat together Yuu-chan UwU
yuuzora @yuuzora Yaho. Potato Tea Party. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying We'll even have potato soup
yuuzora @yuuzora Yas, you ever had sweet potato pie?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I have and I didn't like it. I don't like the taste of sweet potatoes, only potatoes I dislike
yuuzora @yuuzora Oh, fascinating. I only like them when they're steamed with rice and ume(plum) since the flavor compliments each other. Though you only eat a little at a time because it is VERY filling.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I wish I liked sweet potatoes but I just can't consume them XD. My mom is the same, she loves every other potato except sweet ones
Nov 18, 23 at 9:48pm
Wait! Can we count Kaiju?! Because I'll have a very different answer if that's the case!
1. No, I'm still waiting for a hot succubus to visit me at midnight 2. Is that kink? I'm a virgin in occult practices >.> 3. Harassed by a hot succubus? Shit I wish! 4. I believe it's goat butter 5. Probably Godzilla To whut dark god to I have to pray to? https://i.ani.me/0356/5351/succubus.jpg
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