yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
The date question is basically just like the colour question to me. In a lot of ways, all the questions are generic. I could probably add unique ones, but people usually find me too weird... so I reserve that.
I am actually wondering what blueberry and beef would taste like. It might actually be good....... hm...... I didn't much like school either. Not so much the learning, because that was access I had to a library, but the social aspect was hell for me.
20 Questions
Ghost @kuharido
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20 Questions
Ghost @kuharido
1. What is your favorite color?
sky blue, The Ancient Egyptians were very fond of the sky blue color because it was seen as the place the gods dwelled. Lapis Lazuli was worth more than gold at that time. In Egypt, gold was in abundance but not lapis lazuli. It was importanted from the area which is now Afghanistan. Lapis Lazuli was reserved only for the elite though. The common person could not afford such luxury. This led to the creation of Egyptian blue. A copper blend that turned into a blue color. It was very popular for common people in Egypt because they could have a statue of their deity in sky blue.
2. What music is on your playlist right now?
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Theme
3. What anime/manga have you been reading/watching lately?
Cat's eye
4. What languages do you speak?
I speak 160 languages aslong as they are all English.
5. What job do you have?
6. How many siblings do you have?
One older brother
7. Do you get along with your parents?
Yeah I would say so.
8. What is your favorite drink?
Fruit punch, not alcoholic.
9. Do you drive like an asshole?
I am a very courteous driver. I prioritize safety. When it comes to driving you need to develop a kinesthetic awareness with your car. You need to respect that you're using a powerful machine that came from thousands of years of innovation.
10. What classes did you like in school?
Skool was a prison. I hated every moment of it. Skool should be abolished and kids should be taught by machines.
https://media.tenor.com/GRx1debcwsEAAAAi/jail.gif 11. What is your MBTI?(myers-briggs personality assessment)
INFJ it's the one I always get.
12. Do you have any religious beliefs?
Yes, but I don't talk about them much on public forums.
13. If you were an anime character, who do you think you'd be?(in an existing anime)
Vincent from Ergo Proxy
14. Are you a brave person in the face of things others would run away from?
I have to be, this world values savagery over logic and reason.
15. What is your favorite food?
Prizza with beef toppings.
I also love blueberries
16. What is your ideal first date like?
Oh I hate this question, it's like a fishing question for a specific response. I don't date so it doesn't matter.
17. Do you have the brain worms?
I do not, I am of sound mind and body. People say we didn't go to the moon. We did! Only the true reason was covered up. Which was to recover extraterrestrial technology before the Soviets which we learned about from the survivor of the Roswell crash.
18. What sort of exercise do you like to do?
Tai chi and yoga, walking too sometimes.
19. Are you a workaholic or a sofa surfer?
A bit of both I'd say.
20. What is love?
A chemical reaction so we are pushed to procreate.
Ghost @kuharido Pizza with beef toppings. Then also blueberries. Not the blueberries on the pizza XD maybe I should edit that.
Ghost @kuharido I wasn't too bad at the social aspect of school but I was very shy with low self esteem.
yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
What part of what I say seems offended? Genuine asking, English isn't my first language.
gpsenders @gpsenders
gpsenders @gpsenders
Did I offend you? ?
yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I've played piano and harp since I was about 14. Mostly self-taught. Though I took music classes in school.
guardianofwinds @guardianofwinds
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guardianofwinds @guardianofwinds
Hello, i hope all is well. I think it's cool you play the harp and piano, how long have you played?
yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Yeah. Spiders are not to be trusted.
Also, I try to be concise and straightforward.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I was reading your bio and love how put together it is. I hate spiders too, they suck XD
Highway Curly @forgetmenot What if the spider grows a pair of wings? What then?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'd die
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Well, death *is* pretty anticlimactic most of the time, after all. Got that one from an entire horse.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Straightforward is always a breath of fresh air. And I agree, spiders are too sly and quick to be trusted lol
yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Being awkward is normal. If anything it means your more authentic.
As for your cat, it's good of you to have rescued. I wish I had more time to volunteer at the animal shelter. With times being what they are, most of the charities in my area got wiped out by Covid. :(
How about you? Do you/have you done any volunteer work?
cullenrose @cullenrose
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cullenrose @cullenrose
No clue how old the cat is since he was a rescue Will try not to be awkward but my general social anxiety doesn't help
guardianofwinds @guardianofwinds
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guardianofwinds @guardianofwinds
Hello, i hope all is well. I think it's cool you play the harp and piano, how long have you played?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I was reading your bio and love how put together it is. I hate spiders too, they suck XD
Highway Curly @forgetmenot What if the spider grows a pair of wings? What then?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'd die
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Well, death *is* pretty anticlimactic most of the time, after all. Got that one from an entire horse.
cullenrose @cullenrose
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cullenrose @cullenrose
No clue how old the cat is since he was a rescue Will try not to be awkward but my general social anxiety doesn't help
yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Conversation is like art, it takes practice and accepting the flaws to become good at it. Don't be afraid to be awkward. Most people are, and that's part of the good thing about life. How old is your fur baby?
cullenrose @cullenrose
cullenrose @cullenrose
I'm just a sleepy little nerd who loves talking his cat and other nerdy stuff. Looking for friends and people to talk to. However, I'm very bad at conversation. Very shy
yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
Is this your art? Wow! It's so pretty!
Rain @rainx
Rain @rainx