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Deathn0te112 @deathn0te112
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Deathn0te112 @deathn0te112
hello ((:

Deathn0te112 @deathn0te112
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Deathn0te112 @deathn0te112
Hello ((:

unfaircoffee @unfaircoffee
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unfaircoffee @unfaircoffee
Army boy looking for GF i am 18 and athletic and cant wait to hear back from you ttyl beautiful.
Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?

Tally24 @tally24
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
Tally24 @tally24
Not sure about an op, but the ending for Eden of the East is seriously impressive!
College in Japan?

Tally24 @tally24
College in Japan?
Tally24 @tally24
Since I'm a senior now it's time to start applying to colleges. My dream has always been to attend one in Japan though. I've already got a place picked out that's almost like a prequel to college (sorry not sure what the word is >.<) Basically it's a language/learning center for foreigners who wish to attend college in Japan. They give you a crash course in the language (as well as other school subjects) while working with you to get in entrance exams, student visas, ect till you're ready to go!
It seemed like the perfect plan, but now that it's almost a reality a ton of people are suddenly coming up to me, saying that I just HAVE to get a degree in America, otherwise I'll never find a job, be broke, ect ect ect. I'm really sick of this -.- I mean, if all those Japanese citizens attend their colleges and are able to find jobs and sustain a living, why can't I? Idk, just getting a little discouraged. Has anyone ever heard of Japanese degrees being worthless?
Oct 9-11
Nov 6-8
Sep 3-5
Jul 1-4