Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?

xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Lol, another random topic...but what are some of your top-favorite anime openings or endings? There are a lot to choose from =)
Some of my favorites: last exile opening, Inuyasha ending "come", Vampire Princess Miyu Opening, Air Opening, Higurashi Opening 1, Vampire Knight Opening 1, Digimon Season 1 opening (lol), Haruhi Suzumiya ending (Hare Hare Yukai), and many more...

FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
i would say(well heres some lol)...
pokemon opening 1(gotta love it xD)
Hauhi Suzumiya Ending
Lucky Star OP
Clannad After Story OP
Sora no Otoshimono OP and endings
Bleach OP 1
Naruto OP 5
SA Special A op2
SA Special A Ending 2
Card Captor Sakura OP 3(4?idk i kinda lost track)
Fruits Basket Endng
...and plenty more i cant think of right now

nyanko_neko_nya @nyanko_neko_nya
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
nyanko_neko_nya @nyanko_neko_nya
i love the rainbow:nisha rokubou no shichinin opening and also the darker than black opening...i dont know about endings though...i guess it would have to be one of the inuyasha ones..

Setsuna @setsuna
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
Setsuna @setsuna
My favorite anime opening would have to be Eden of the east the oasis opening,and ending would have to be Clannads dango song

Uraby210 @uraby210
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
Uraby210 @uraby210
I'm pretty partial to Kokoro No Chizu and One Day from One Piece.
Also, (please don't hate me for this) I think the one part of the Pokémon dub 4Kids got right was the opening themes.

XXRageX1 @xxragex1
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
XXRageX1 @xxragex1
Lucky Star's OP is awesome. I tried doing to the dance but failed. Also Dancouga Nova OP (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK51HfpbxaA) has a really nice song with really good animation. I wish I could find the OST for the series.

kurokame @kurokame
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
kurokame @kurokame
Well lets see please dont hate but just about all the naruto and bleach openings are personal favs, and my favorite opening and closing this season are high school of the dead link here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92UrZ9dwz14&feature=related

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
I love the music for the ending of Trinity Blood. The opening and ending of Wolf's Rain, Inu-Yasha, Chobits ending, Trigun opening and ending, Cowboy Bebop Opening, Outlaw Star opening and all endings, Alice Academy opening, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex opening, and probably others.

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
And the Night Walker opening! I faint for that one all the time!

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
ikkoku @ikkoku
I really enjoyed the intro to the <B>El-Hazard OVAs</b>. It was so epic at the time in the mid-nineties. Try and give it a gander on youtube. As for an ending, I think the ending to Nadesico holds a special place in my heart.
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