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Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091
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Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091

juan2416 @juan2416
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juan2416 @juan2416

Kawa @kawa
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Kawa @kawa
My favorite animes are Lucky star, K-on, arakawa under the bridge, oreimo ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii, murder princess, toradora, kannagi crazy shrine maidens, hakouki, broken blade, kami nomi zo shiru sekai, kure nai, kurozuka, dragon ball z, ookami san to shichinin no nakama tachi, suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu, high school of the dead, school days, bakuman, black rock shooter, hanbun no tsuki ga noboru sora, full metal alchemist brotherhood,full metal alchemist, samurai champloo, blood, rainbow nisha no roku shichinin, angel beats, samurai 7, clannad, darker than black, code geass, avatar the last airbender, avatar the legend of korra, bleach, BACCANO, The Vision of Escaflowne, Rave Master, Jackie Chan Adventure, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, tenjou tenge, Midori Days, Beelzebub, Armitage. chobit. Deadman Wonderland, serial experiments lain, key the metal idol, trigun, [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, soul eater, and Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Theres more but I think this is good. ^^
Anyone from California?

FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
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Anyone from California?
FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
really, for what?
Need suggestions for something to watch

FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
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Need suggestions for something to watch
FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
hmmm a tradegy...uhhh Clannad?