Anyone from California?

Rawr69 @rawr69
Anyone from California?
Rawr69 @rawr69
Hello =D i was just wondering if there was anyone from CA if you are what part? =] Im from Porterville

Rawr69 @rawr69
commented on
Anyone from California?
Rawr69 @rawr69
got my heart broken a couple days ago D= so i looking for new friends from California ><

FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
commented on
Anyone from California?
FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
Sacremento xD

Rawr69 @rawr69
commented on
Anyone from California?
Rawr69 @rawr69
i been there a few time to have surgery xD

FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
commented on
Anyone from California?
FishesLoveRice @ffishesloverice
really, for what?

Rawr69 @rawr69
commented on
Anyone from California?
Rawr69 @rawr69
for my jaw and nose >.<

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
commented on
Anyone from California?
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Sacramento here. Not a bad place to have surgery. Hope you make/made a full recovery.

Phanari @phanari
commented on
Anyone from California?
Phanari @phanari
What about Southern California people? I'm up in the mountains in Tehachapi. It's in Kern County near Bakersfield, Mojave, and Lancaster. Anyone familiar?

elaborateflaws @elaborateflaws
commented on
Anyone from California?
elaborateflaws @elaborateflaws
I live in the Bay Area ~

Phanari @phanari
commented on
Anyone from California?
Phanari @phanari
Wow, I hear one of the only places where you'd find worse drivers in this country than in the Bay Area is in Texas.
I use to live in Texas not long ago, so that's speaking from first hand experience. I have horror stories. lol
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