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Blegh :O @ohimexchan
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Blegh :O @ohimexchan
Well, Howdy! Sorry for the late reply. Been busy with school, work and such. If you'd like to chat some more, and if you have a Tumblr, add me on there. Just look for "flamingopaladin" (No quotation marks.)

Deathn0te112 @deathn0te112
Deathn0te112 @deathn0te112
That's great I hope you find something that makes you happy :D

That Uke @thatuke
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That Uke @thatuke
I feel I wouldn't stand a chance against other designers and what not. >_< So I'll probably end up settling for something else that has caught my interest. Though at the same time I would love to at least know how to do everything that is involve in creating a game.