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34 year old Male
Last online 約11時間 ago
I had this situation a couple days ago. I’m minding my own business and randomly one of my coworkers asks me “how many bodies you got?” And I’m like “da fuq you just say? What kind of serial killer question is that?” But I’ve also heard some people say “bodies” just to generally refer to people as a group regardless of context. Not gonna lie. Hearing more people use this phrase feels kinda creepy to me.
(1:30 PM Tue. Jan 31st) I really laugh when people use the term “body count” to speak of past partners XD. I always think of the murderous type of body count and think everyone is out here killing people and admitting how many bodies they have in their kill count... I always end up remembering they mean partners they’ve slept with, but I still laugh. Lol
At last! My last week of one of my part time evening gigs is done and I’ve gotten my hours for the other downscaled. I’ll be able to have much more free time in the week to do errands, get some naps and have some hobby time. First thing I’m gonna do is sleep all day long on Tuesday.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Happy to hear you are getting a bit more time like you wanted. Hope you sleep well on Tuesday, you sound like its deserved cookie ^-^
This cat knows what it is doing. Look at its smug face. XD
Arc @arc commented on Post your Cats
Jan 21, 23 at 9:39am
The most important job a cat can have in life is to make damn sure you can't use your computer in the morning.
Mods make every game better. An indisputable fact of nature.
I love this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh1ax-jnjZI
Not gonna lie. I’d be a little turned on of a woman started the conversation like that. The couple that kills together thrills together. <3
It’s not even funny how many hours I’d play this game.
I’m confused.
Is confused on how I’m confused about the confusion of other people left in their confusion. Only to realize he’s more confused on why people find confusion confusing and why he is confused on the confusion I felt because of others confusion leading him to a perpetual state of confusion
The smol fluffy has healed my soul. <3
Jan 12, 23 at 4:22pm
Take this bunny https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYD2v8zCAY
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I’m glad it helped <3
Same on my end. It is humid here too. So just gonna have to wear briefs today otherwise I’ll sweat more than a penguin in spite he Sahara. XD
(7:57 AM Fri. Jan 13th) My room is getting so hot I’m having heat flash lol... this is what Satan’s butthole would feel like I guess? All uncomfortably hot and making you wanna not do anything/pass out/give up, I’m gonna stop my tired rambling and turn off the heat now XD. Maybe be embarrassed about this comment later? Who knows? (Edit: 8 AM. Nvm Satan’s butt wind turned off by itself)
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Hope you stay cool enough
Jan 12, 23 at 4:22pm
Take this bunny https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYD2v8zCAY
Premium Upgrade
Jul 23-25