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34 year old Male
Last online 約18時間 ago
I think it's about time I put this on my profile. I'll have to be frank. I've been finding myself confused with the layout of this site and have had some difficulties simply navigating to other people's profiles. The I am new to using Discord and am finding myself a bit confused in keeping up with the various group chat channels of that site. Combined with my schedule interfering with online casual time, I am generally having trouble staying in contact with people I meet here. If I have made anyone here feel like I've chosen to ghost you, I sincerely apologize. I am just getting confused on how to use these sites and my work schedule conditions me to easily forget even thinking about taking a moment to log back in.
Veru @verucassault The site is constantly under construction. I only found your profile by you liking my post in the forum. I thought I would give you a tip seeing as how you are unfamiliar with navigating the site. When you write on someone's wall, the person isn't selected that they have recieved a wall comment. I think this may also apply to commenting on another's post. I'm not sure ✿MIHO✿ @amarantha was alerted to your comment. Mayne she will see my @ to her and can let us know.
Veru @verucassault **isn't alerted, rather than "selected". My phones autocorrect really has a mind of its own.
Woof. Work has kept me so busy lately. Barely been on this site at all. Between two part time jobs, switching out one of them, some other chores at home taking care of my folks, I apologize if my response time is limited.
Woo! Happy almost birthday! ^o^
My birthday is Saturday. ;D
Heinz Ketchup. The taste of based in one convenient bottle. Perfect to red pill any meal.
Oct 05, 22 at 3:21pm
Hi it would also be nice to actually talk to someone with similar interests dm sometime
I know how difficult coping with this feeling is. Been struggling with them also. I know just a text alone may not help much, but remember that better days are always waiting for you after the bad ones.
https://media.giphy.com/media/Ui7MfO6OaLz4k/giphy.gif Feeling a bit lonely lately.
I know how hard this must be for you. I lost three cats I loved very much over the span of 4 years. Still cry thinking about them. Take as much time for yourself as you need.
Sorry haven't been online for a few days. My dog recently died and I wanted some time to myself. Doing alright now though.
I know how difficult this must be for you. I lost three cats I loved very much over the span of 4 years. Take as much time for yourself as you need.
I know how difficult this is for you. I’ve gone through the death of three cats in the span of a couple years before moving. Still miss them all so much. Take as much time for yourself as you need.
Can’t wait for next week. I’m going to Ocala Comic Con. Gonna bring a shikishi art board of Katsuki Bakugou to be autographed by Clifford Chaplin. Woo! Any other Floridians going?
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