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What video games have you been playing?

ShinnomonoEasley86 @shinnomonoeasley86
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
ShinnomonoEasley86 @shinnomonoeasley86
Darksiders,Left 4 Dead 2,Dantes Inferno and many more
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)

ShinnomonoEasley86 @shinnomonoeasley86
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
ShinnomonoEasley86 @shinnomonoeasley86
I play on Bloodhoof,just started playing again after a year long break,Matsumoto(lvl77 warrior,alliance)Hinamorisan(lvl70 draenei shaman) and Madlightning(lvl80 troll shaman)on Tholdedrin