What video games have you been playing?

Sephiroth @sephiroth
What video games have you been playing?
Sephiroth @sephiroth
I've recently acquired an appreciation of an awesome XBox game, Borderlands. Other than that New Super Mario Bros for Wii!

hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
lots of people dont like it but i would recommend No More Heroes 4 the wii. (i think the reason they didnt like was because they wernt into anime but who knows)
Darkcloudstrife @darkcloudstrife
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
Darkcloudstrife @darkcloudstrife

princessofheart @princessofheart
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
princessofheart @princessofheart
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

HiryuuAmistad @hiryuuamistad
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
HiryuuAmistad @hiryuuamistad
Dissidia Final Fantasy, Star Ocean First Departure and Second Evolution, Dragon Age: Origins, Final Fantasy XI~

Aizen757 @bankai757
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
Aizen757 @bankai757
Right now, Assassin's Creed 2, Dragon Age and Call of Duty until Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy 13 drop

ShinJay4 @shinjay4
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
ShinJay4 @shinjay4
Tekken 6 BlazBlue Call of duty mw2
Street Fighter 4
PSN ShinJay4

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
The MMORPG Grand Fantasia

Okachu_chan @okachu_chan
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
Okachu_chan @okachu_chan
Z.O.E 2nd Runner, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 1(putting in the order I've played it in XD) Maybe gonna play Metal Gear Solid 2, and then onto Brave Fencer Musashi!

Rosolicom @rosolicom
commented on
What video games have you been playing?
Rosolicom @rosolicom
im awaiting assassins creed 2 on pc out march 18th methinks currently fully compleating the original ... bloody flags and daft templars ... also the assassins creed 2 book isent bad
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