World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)

Valentine @valentine
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
Valentine @valentine
If you'd like to hang out with people in game feel free to list your realm and character names here!
Don't forget to list whether the characters are Horde or Alliance, we all feel a little awkward getting error messages.
Me first! >:D
Realm: Dark Iron [PVP]
Name: Doxia
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Hunter
Level: 16 (new)
Faction: Horde, of course :)

Valentine @valentine
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
Valentine @valentine
Aww, the text is all jumbly and squished together ;w;

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
anarqe @anarqe
I play warcraft and other BLizzard titles, Would this count towards people on battlenet or blizzard site?

Valentine @valentine
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
Valentine @valentine
Whatever you're comfortable with <3

ShinnomonoEasley86 @shinnomonoeasley86
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
ShinnomonoEasley86 @shinnomonoeasley86
I play on Bloodhoof,just started playing again after a year long break,Matsumoto(lvl77 warrior,alliance)Hinamorisan(lvl70 draenei shaman) and Madlightning(lvl80 troll shaman)on Tholdedrin

Valentine @valentine
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
Valentine @valentine
Awww, I was hoping someone would also be playing on dark iron xD But it's awesome that you have max lvl characters *w* I'm jealous of your hard work!

TheDon03 @thedon03
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
TheDon03 @thedon03
I am on lothar, 2 characters, human alliance pally Dinion 44, and Taraiana Blood elf mage, horde 52

PikaOmni216 @pikaomni216
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
PikaOmni216 @pikaomni216
Laughing Skull (PvP) :D
Omnisoul - Priest lvl 80
Omnihunt - hunter lvl 24
Horde of course :)

Sobi @sobi
commented on
World of Warcraft (Come here! Yes, you!)
Sobi @sobi
My account is currently suspended until I can afford it, but I'm on Earthen Ring (RP) Morroian Lvl 73 Blood Elf pally. For the Horde!
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